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*unedited* *cleanses self in holy water after writing this*

"Juliaaann" I whined as he put all his weight on me. We were laying on the couch watching ATL when he decided to go get some water.

He came back and laid on top of me like a big baby. His head was in the crook of my neck and he refused to move.

We had been here at his house for a few days besides when I had to go to work. He would drop me off and pick me up and we'd end up right here again.

"What?" he mumbled against my skin and I felt his beard tickle me. I giggled and tried to move but his body on top of me prevented me from moving that much.

"Get up" I laughed.


"Baby I cant breathe" I laughed and he quickly lifted up before sitting normally on the couch.

"Party pooper" he frowned.

"You were suffocating me babe" I laughed and he joined in.

He pulled me on top of him in a straddle postion and kissed my neck.

"I love you mama" he said and I smiled at the sound of his deep voice.

"I love you too Julian."

He began kissing me and a moan left my mouth as he got a good grip on my butt.

I felt him harden underneath me and after the other day I knew I wanted him.

"J-Julian..." I stuttered out.

"Yes mama?" , his brown eyes wandered up to mine.

"Can we do it...." I asked biting my lip nervously. I knew I was super awkward but I didnt know any other way to initiate it. He had told me it was my call and to just let him know when I was ready.

I appreciated that he was willing to wait for me. That seemed to be rare for guys these days.

"Do what baby?" he asked looking confused.

"It.....like IT it" I said weirdly. Why the hell was I so awkward? I was 21 years old and couldnt even initiate sex with my boyfriend.

His eyes widened and his lips turned up to form a smile. "You want to? You sure?" he asked and I nodded.

I was beyond ready. 

He nodded before picking me up and making his way upstairs with me attached to his waist.

He sat with me still straddling his waist and stared at me with a goofy smile.

I covered my face as my cheeks grew hot, "Stop it."

"Stop what?"

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