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It was now Tuesday and I had class in a bit. I was currently in the library studying notes before my test in Professor Bailey's class in about fifteen minutes.

Julian had come over yesterday and gave me a super duper study drill session so all I was doing now was reviewing one last time.

My phone buzzed and I looked down to see who it was.

JuJu: Good Luck on your test munchkin!

I laughed and responded.

Me: Thanks ! I hope I pass lol

JuJu: You will. Just remember what daddy taught you 😉

Me: Daddy ? 🤔🤔🤔 my father never helped me with math.

JuJu: 😒😒😒😒

Me: 😂😂😂😂😂

I was so into my phone I didnt even realize that it was five minutes before class started. I quickly grabbed my things and made a mad dash to class. I didnt want to be even one minute late. I needed all the time I could get.


I made my way out of class with the biggest smile on my face.

I PASSED ! The great thing about Professor Bailey's class is he graded your test and gave you your grade right in front of you if you wanted. I was so happy I could die but I didn't want to die, I wanted to find Julian.

I went the way I usually seen Julian after class back when I didnt even have a name for his face.

I saw him walking with the guy he usually walked with. They were laughing about something until he locked eyes with me. He grinned and I gave a fake smile not wanting him to known I had passed yet.

I walked over to him solemnly as his smiled dropped. "Whats wrong munchkin? Please tell me you passed."

I sighed. "I didnt pass", I said slowly.

He let out a breath. "Damn man, we gone work harder next ti-"

"I didn't pass ...", I said again with a smile and he scrunched his face up in confusion.

"I know mama you said th-"

"I ACED IT", I yelled excitedly showing him my paper with a fat 97% at the top. 

His eyes widened as he snatched it from me. "YOOOOOOO WHY YOU PLAYED WITH ME LIKE THAT", he said with a laugh.

I smirked and he pulled me into a hug. "I'm so proud of you mama. We gotta go out and celebrate tonight. On me."

I nodded and his friend just stood there confused this whole time before finally saying something.

"Who is this ?", he asked.

Julian smirked,"This is Kareem. The one I was telling you about. Kareem this is Romello, my god brother."

"Hi", I said shyly. I wasn't very good at meeting new people. Romello was a little taller than Julian and had a curly fade and golden skin.

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