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Julian Lacroix Tailor Jr.

Its been almost a month since I spoke to Kareem and shit was killing me.

She wouldn't return my calls or messages and when I seen her she wouldn't even acknowledge me.

Classes had started back a week ago and I could barely concentrate thinking about her.

I loved this girl and I had hurt her. And now there was nothing I could do to make her come back to me but wait until she was ready.

I still talked to Lee and she was constantly reminding me that Kareem would come around. I was just waiting for the day.

Rocky and Justin kept saying the same shit but I wasn't too sure about it at this point.

I had just finished up my last class of the day and was about to hop in my car to go home when I saw her walking.

I was tired of her ignoring me and thought if it was anytime to try to talk to her it was now.

She was walking a few feet away from me and I went with my gut and called her.

"Kareem" I said and she looked confused before looking my way.

She was looking beautiful as always. Her hair was in its natural curly state and she had no makeup on, just the way I loved seeing her.

I expected her to turn and walk away but instead she reluctantly walked to where I was standing by my car.

"Hi" she said looking down and I took in what she was wearing.

She was wearing a shirt that looked familiar as hell. I knew it was familiar cause I remember the day she took it and wore it away from my house.

I scratched my head not knowing what to say,"How you been?"

"Good. Working on my channel and classes" she said softly before biting her lip. "Thank you..." she trailed off.

"For what?" I asked confused.

"For the tuition thing" she said and I nodded.

"I told you I got you mama" I said with a smile and I saw one about to grace her face but she bit it back instead.

"I miss you" I blurted out and she chuckled before nodding.

"I gotta go Ju. Talk to you later?" she said and walked away before I even got to respond.

I just nodded and let her go.

At this rate she wasnt ever going to forgive me.

I hopped in my whip and drove to my parents house. Thats where I had been at lately cause my house was empty as fuck and I hated being by myself.

I chilled in my room working on a paper I had due for a few hours until I heard the doorbell ring.

I got up to go see who it was. Looking out the peephole I saw Rocky and Justin and opened the door for them.

"Waaasssshh pawpin nigga" Rocky said dapping me up.

"What up bro" Justin greeted doing the same.

"Nothin' just working on this homework shit" I said.

"Well put it away. We going out" Rocky said and I frowned.

"Who said I wanted to go with yall?"

"We didnt ask. We said you going now get your ass up and get dressed" Justin said.

"Okay now ritz cracker you getting bold. Dont get fought" I said to justin and he laughed.

"Chill bro. Go get dressed."

I got up and went to go take a shower.

Maybe going out wouldnt be so bad.

Kareem Marie Landry

"I miss him so much Lee" I frowned.

"I don't wanna hear it if your not gonna do shit about it it Kay. You said you forgave him. Stop making him suffer and torturing yourself" she chuckled.

She was right. I didn't know why I was being to cold to Julian.

I had been ignoring him for almost a month and I was putting myself through torture not talking to him knowing that I wanted nothing more than to jump on him and kiss him whenever I saw him.

After Rocky and Aaliyah helped me get past my insecurities and I realized that besides that one situation Julian had never been dishonest with me I forgave him. I had forgiven him a long time ago. I guess I just didnt want to be like one of those girls that takes their boyfriend back super quickly no matter what he does.

Lee's phone buzzed and she smiled at the screen. "Justin invited us to this party. Lets go" she said excitedly. She didnt want to admit it but I knew they liked each other and had something going on.

"Ugh do I have to go?" the only thing that would make me happy about attending this party would be if Julian just so happened to show up with Justin.

"Yes. C'mon lets get dolled up and dressed" she said grabbing me up and I groaned as she started throwing different things on my bed trying to find me something to wear.

This party better be good.

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