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*unedited so excuse typos*

Julian Lacroix Tailor Jr.

I fucked up. Big time.

I couldnt remember half the shit that happened last night but I did remember coming home and getting head from Miranda. I didnt let it go as far as me having sex with her cause I knew I would regret my actions even more and I somehow come back to realization of How much of a fucked up person she was.

How I got home and all the shit before was a blur.

I moved Miranda's hand off of me and started to shake her.

"Yoooo wake up and get out" I said loudly and she rolled over and leaned up trying to kiss me.

I scrunched my face up, "Get up, get ya shit, and get out."

She looked like she was hurt but I didnt care at this point. The only reason I fucked with her last night is because I was feeling spiteful and I was under the influence. That would have never happened otherwise.

"Why? I thought you loved me again" she asked looking like she was about to cry.

"You are obviously crazy as hell. No I dont love you now gooo."

"I gotta pee" she mumbled and got up slowly trudging to the bathroom. I really could care less about her hurt feelings. She was delusional as hell if she thought I was going to be with her again.

She aint even close the door and I heard her slam the toilet seat down before I heard her peeing.

I shook my head my phone started to vibrate. At least I thought it was mine until I picked it up.

I was going to sit it back down but something caught my eye.

She was texting Romello?

I swiped across the screen and their message thread popped up. The most recent he sent said 'Did you do it?'

I curiously scrolled up and wanted to kill the both of them when I seen what they were talking about.

It will probably take two pills to get him high so put about four in his drink to get him. - 9:30pm

Aight I'ma let you know when I did it. Make sure you at his house on time. -10:42pm

Oh I will be:) -10:46pm

We leaving the club. -2:37am

Ok. - 2:29am

What the fuck? I scrolled up seeing more coversations they had.

Romello was fake as fuck and I couldnt believe he would do this shit and it was now registering with me that Kareem could have been telling the truth.

My actual phone started to ring and I picked it up seeing it was my mother.


"Family meeting. 30 minutes. Get here or I'ma beat your ass like your still 5 years old" she said quickly and hung up the phone.

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