FIFTEEN: Birthday pt. ONE

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"Whyyyyyy?" I dragged out with a groan. Julian was trying to get me out of the bed. I had slept over at his house for the third time this week and I was beginning to like his bed alot better than mine. It was like 4 in the afternoon and we had just woken up an hour ago.

It was also my birthday and I had not recieved one Happy Birthday yet and as of 12am this morning everybody was on my shitlist.

"Come on mama. We got shit to do", he chuckled.

"Like what?", I asked hoping he was taking me to do birthday things.

"I got errands to run. Gotta wash my car and take care of somethings for my dad", he said and I got sad cause he really hadnt mentioned my birthday at all.

I sighed,"Okay." I groaned again and got up to get dressed. I threw on a tshirt and some tights and Julian looked at me before shaking his head. "I Know damn well we just went shopping", he said jokingly.

I frowned. Julian had taken me shopping the other day and bought me a crap load of things I didnt need and he forced me to let him pay. He told me if I didnt let him pay he wouldnt kiss me for a month. I couldnt take the risk of him being serious so I let him pay for it.

He also guilt tripped me with a whole speech about how a guy is supposed to take care of his girl and how it would do an extreme amount of damage to his ego if I denied.

"Its thursday. We gone do throwback thursday fits", he said with a weird grin.

I liked his idea so I threw on an outfit that resembled something Aaliyah would wear back in the nineties and straightened my hair and did a side part before doing my makeup and me and Julian headed out the door.

We were in the car on our way to the car wash when he glanced over at me. "Why arent you talking mama?"

I rolled my eyes. He had really forgotten my birthday.

"No reason", I mumbled and he chuckled and we continued to ride in silence.

Julian Lacroix Tailor Jr

She was pissed as hell and I loved it. Lee and I had set it up perfectly and had everybody agree to not speak of her birthday or tell her happy birthday all day until the party.

I finished dragging Kareem around to all my errand running and decided to text Lee to make sure shit was set up. The party started at 8. It was like 7:45 already and we had the rink rented til 12am. They wouldnt do any later than that.

Me: We set?

Leeyuh: Yep. Bring her !

I smiled to myself before pulling out of the parking space at my dad's job and driving to the rink. It was a 25 minute drive and the whole time Kareem kept questioning where we were going.

"Juuuuliaaannnn, what is this place?", She asked me with a frown.

"Nunya." I got out of the car and she followed behind.

"Your taking me skating? Awwww", she said excitedly.

"Nah, I just came to pick up something from my mom's friend. She's the owner", I lied and I had to resist the urge to laugh when her face fell.

"Oh", she mumbled biting the inside of her cheek.

We got to the door and I opened it and I seen her make a weird face "Ju why are the lights of-"

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