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A few days later...

I laughed at a joke Justin told as we all sat in Julian's house chilling.

It was the usual crew here and Romello had made an odd reappearance and he was getting on my nerves, as usual.

He would make slick comments every now and then and I was just letting it go for the sake of Julian. I didnt want to make tension.

Julian and Romello were playing 2k while Rocky, Justin, Lee, and I were playing uno.

"Draw four lil bitch!" Rocky yelled at Justin and he sucked his teeth before reaching out to take four cards.

"Your turn Kareem" Lee said and I saw that there was a red six down. I had a blue six and a color changing card.

I threw down the color card. "Uno, changing the color to blue", I said before throwing down the blue card. "Uno Out."


"Oh but I can" I said with a smile.

"You a fucking cheater bruh. You fouled out. Get the fuck away from the table" Rocky said throwing his cards at me.

"Dont be mad you've lost all six games boy" I frowned.

"Bitter ass" Lee laughed.

"Fuck yall. Aaliyah I hope your wig get snatched off and Kareem I hope Julian never give you anymore dick forever" he said bitterly.

"Whoa Whoa my nigga dont say that shit" Julian laughed.

"I'm just saying. Ya girl a cheater fam. No way in hell you win Uno four times in a row without cheating."

Everyone laughed. "I gotta pee" I said getting up and making my way over to the hall to go to the bathroom.

I peed and washed my hands. I opened the door to walk out but ran smack dab into a chest instead and it wasn't Julians. I looked up to see Romello towering over me.

"Umm, excuse me" I said annoyed. Why the hell was he so close to me.

He just stood there looking down at me before licking over his lips. He was creeping me the hell out. "You look nice today" he said and continued to look at me.

"Thanks? Can you move now?" I asked and he laughed.

"You good?" I asked and when he said nothing I tried to push past him but he pushed me into the bathroom and closed the door.

"What the fuck are you doi-" I was cut off by him forcing his lips onto mine. I automatically started trying to push him off but he grabbed my arms and locked them over my head on the wall.

As soon as he did that I heard the door open and he quickly backed up and I caught my breath before wiping my mouth. What the fuck?

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