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It had been two days since the thing with Romello happened and all I had been doing is throwing myself into work.

Wether it was actual work or working on some more youtube stuff, I was trying to keep myself busy.

Today was my first day off in while and usually I would be with Julian so for the past few hours since I woke up I had just been here in bed thinking.

My door busted open."Get up!" I heard Lee's voice shout before I groaned.


"Your a bad bitch and a strong black independent woman who don't need no man and your about to pamper yourself today. Get out of the bed! You are not going to sit around and sulk all day. Not on my watch."

I rolled my eyes and sucked my teeth staying put in my bed.

The covers were snatched off of me and I kicked in frustration before getting up to go shower. She was not going to let this go.

"Be in the living room when your done. Thank you" she smiled before walking out.

I showered and put my hair in a bun before getting dressed. Makeup wasnt in the picture today. I didnt feel like putting any on.

I walked out into the living area and grabbed my bag off the couch.

"Lee i'm ready!" I shouted and she came out of her room fully dressed as well.

"Leggo!" she said like chris brown and I chuckled as we headed out the door.

After a few minutes we pulled up at a hair salon and I got slightly excited. I hadnt gotten my hair done in a while.

"Voila! You haven't gotten your color touched up in ages and you need something new! C'mon" Lee said dragging me into the salon.

I ended up getting my hair recolored but this time I went lighter and got a honey blonde similar to beyonce. I then got it trimmed and wand curled so it was big how I liked it.

Lee got her natural hair colored black and cut into a bob. It was cute on her and she was super happy with it.

We paid for our hair and left the salon and ended up going to get our nails and toes done as well before going to get something to eat.

TGIF was the move.

We got seated and the waitress took our drink order before walking away.

"Have you talked to him?" Lee asked and I sighed. Why did she have to bring this up?

"He doesnt want to talk to me. He wont even hear me out. His head is too stuck up Romellos ass."

She nodded and I seen familiar faces heading towards our table.

"Wassup Wassup Wasshhhh pawpin" Rocky said sitting down beside Lee. Justin followed after sliding into the booth beside me.

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