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If I had the option I would skip out on calling my parents and procrastinate as long as possible.

Too bad it wasn't an option.

Julian was hell bent on me calling them to the point where he's told me after my editing is over he's going to watch me call and I have to put the phone on speaker so he can make sure i'm not faking it.

So here I was editing my video as slow as possible trying to avoid any and all conversation with my parents.

Julian had walked downstairs to get some water and I heard his feet coming back up the steps. He walked in the room and I looked up at him smiling at the sight of his bare chest.

He laughed. "I know what you doing and i'm letting you know now...What time is it?"

I looked at the top of my MacBook Pro screen. "4:23pm."

"I know you dragging your feet so if you not done with that shit by 6:30pm you dropping it for a second and calling your parents."

I pouted. He caught on to my plan. I was trying to hold off til it just so happened to be too late for me to call. "I don't want to."

"I didn't ask you what you wanted to do. I told you what your going to do."

"Juliaaaannnn" I frowned.

"Stop acting like a big ass baby" he laughed and kissed me.


It was around 5 o'clock and I had finally finished editing and started to upload my video.

"I'm done" I mumbled to Julian. I did not want to do this.

He sat up from the position he was in which was laid back watching whatever weird movie was on tv.

I grabbed my phone and he put the tv on mute. I dialed my father's number since he was the easiest to reason with most of the time.

I put it on speaker for Ju to hear and it rang three times before my dad answered.

"Hello?" I sat quietly for a moment not knowing what to say to him.

"Kareem?" he said and I coughed before responding. "Uhhh, hi daddy" I said and he laughed.

"Finally came to your senses huh?" he said and I frowned.

"No. I called to see how you and mom were doing" I replied.

"We're fine. I should be asking how you are. Are you still in school?" he chuckled.

Julian scrunched his face up and mouthed 'What the fuck?'.

"Yes I'm still in school. Why wouldnt I be?"

"You seemed so focused on that crazy make up stuff and that boy your with. And we cut you off financially and you havent asked for money. We figured you quit or something" he said. I started to get mad.

"I went and got a job and i'm doing a pretty good job at taking care of myself thank you very much. Where is mom?" I scoffed. I could not believe them.

"She's right here. She's not interested in speaking to you" he said and I rolled my eyes. What was wrong with these people?

"Ok well I'll talk to you guys whenever bye" I mumbled hanging up the phone. I felt myself tearing up and Julian sighed.

"I'm sorry Kareem I aint know they were that ridiculous" he said pulling me into a hug.

"I dont understand what I did that was so bad" I felt tears streaming down my face.

There were people my age literally doing nothing with their lives and my parents damn near disowned me over a major change and a new boyfriend. What type of foolishness is that?

"Dont even worry about them mama" he said and I nodded and looked back at my computer seeing my video had uploaded.

I sent it to everyone so they could share it and posted it to my own twitter and IG sharing it before crawling up and joining Julian at the top of the bed.

"You ever thought about living with me?" he asked looking over at me. I shrugged. "Not really why?"

"You should move in here with me" he said simply.

"No way."

He sucked his teeth and frowned. "Why the fuck not?"

"I dont know if thats a good idea. I wouldnt feel right living off of you and I cant leave Lee alone" I said biting my lip. I was kind of nervous to move in with him. That was a super serious commitment and I always hear horror stories couples have after they move in with each other. I also would hate to sit around on my ass living off Julian considering I hadnt gotten another job yet.

"You know I dont mind Kareem" he said seriously. "And tell Aliyah to get another roomate, shit."

I sighed. I could tell this was going to be another argument. I

f not now, then sometime in the near future.

"Kareem you deadass here all the fucking time anyway. Just move your stuff over here and stay" he said simply.

"I'll think about it" I told him and he groaned.

"There honestly should be no thinking."

"Yes there should. We shouldnt just jump into something without thinking of all the ramifications."

He bursted out into laughter. "I be sick of you and these SAT vocabulary words and shit."

I smiled and shook my head. "I swear I can never be serious with you Julian."

"Aight man think about it or whatever you wanna do but either way you moving in. Wether you willingly come or I gotta move ya shit myself and drag you here by your legs."

I side eyed him. "You are a Creeeeeeeeeeeep."

"Only for you" he smiled.

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