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I woke up the next morning with my legs feeling like noodles.

I heard Julian yelling from the bathroom.

"Stop fuckin' callin' me bruh! I blocked ya number like ten times" he shouted I guessed into his phone. Who was he talking to?

He continued talking and I rolled over and grabbed his shirt off the floor putting it on before preparing myself to get up off the bed. I almost fell over but kept my balance as I walked to where he was.

I entered the bathroom and just as I walked in he hung up the phone and threw it on the counter shaking his head.

"Good Morning. Who you blocked ten times?" I asked curiously.

He chuckled. "Good Morning munchkin and just somebody I wish would stay in the past."

I decided to not question it any further and I sat down to pee as he stood looking at me with that same goofy smile on his face from last night.

I looked up at him from the toilet and squinted. "Stop being a weirdo."

"You peeing in front of me mama. This shit is more than official now. You may as well move in" he joked. At least I thought he was joking.

I rolled my eyes with a laugh and wiped myself before getting up and flushing the toilet.

I threw on some shorts and Ju put some sweats and a shirt on and we both went downstairs.

"Are you hungry?" I asked making my way to the kitchen.

"Yeeee what you about to make for daddy?"

I laughed "Waffles and eggs."

I heard someone knock on the front door and Julian went to get it.

"DAT NIGGA TAY!" I heard Rocky's loud ass voice say and I chuckled at how loud he was.

"Dat nigga Rocky!" Julian responded and I heard a few more voices greet him.

After a few seconds everyone walked into the kitchen and I turned around to see Rocky, Lee, and Justin.

"Whats up sis" Rocky said giving me a hug. "Hey Rock" I smiled.

"LEEEEEEEEEE! I missed you!!" I shouted before running to jump in her arms. It was true. I had missed my best friend alot.

"I missed you to boo! You been up under your man. We gotta have some girl time soon" she said with a smile.

"Ditto" I said to her as Justin greeted me with a hug.

"I'm stealing this jacket Justin. Its nice" I told him feeling the material. He always had clothes that were nice as hell and sometimes I wanted to raid his closet.

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