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They had really done it.

My parents had cut me off. They couldn't wait a few weeks or give me a little time to get myself together. Not even three days after the dinner at their house, my account was cleaned.

The only money I had at this point was savings money in an account my parents didn't know about.

Thank God I was smart in that sense and when it came to saving money.

I decided to hit the mall to go job hunting. I wanted to have more to save from and also save up to get a camera.

I was heavily considering starting a YouTube like Julian had suggested. It would be cool to share my skills and potentially make money for it later and it would be good exposure if I wanted to start a business.

I was currently roaming the mall looking for places to apply. I had already put in online apps at three stores and I was now headed into Sephora.

"Hi, can I help you?", I heard and turned to see a petite hispanic looking girl with long brown hair.

"Uh Yes, I wanted to know how to apply ?", I said. She all of a sudden got a weird smirk on her face.

"You want to work here?", she said weirdly.

"Yes", I replied. She was really creeping me out.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me off with her,"My name is Miranda. What's yours?"

"Kareem", I responded. "Where are you taking me if I may ask?".

She stopped when she reached a tall woman with dirty blonde hair. Her face was caked full of makeup in the most unpleasant way possible.

"Katherine!", Miranda yelled at her.

"Yes ?", the Katherine girl said.

"This is my friend Kareem. Do you think you could hire her ? She really wants to work here", Miranda said with a huge grin.

I squinted my eyes at her. I barely knew this girl.

"Friend eh ?", Katherine questioned turning her nose up at me. "We do need help badly. Go in the back and we'll get you in the system. I need you to start tomorrow."

My eyes widened. I got the job that easily? "Thank you so much", I said.

"Don't make me regret this. Either of you", She warned.

Miranda did that weird smirk thing again,"We won't."

"Wow. Thank you", I said to Miranda as we walked to the back.

"No problem. Your makeup looks amazing and I knew we needed workers. You seemed like the perfect person for the job."

"I hope so" I laughed. Although this girl was weird. I was happy she managed to get me a job in point five seconds.


When I was done with the paperwork I headed over to Julians house. His parents were having a barbecue and he invited Lee and I.

She was already there and I apparently was the only person missing.

I drove there and made my way to the back of the large house where I heard reggae music playing.

There was a good amount of people including some I had never seen.

"Hey baby", I heard a female voice say before I was embraced in a hug by Julian's mom.

"Hey momma", I said to her with a smile. In the little time I've known her she's been nothing but nice, warm, and welcoming to me. So had Mr.Tailor. It was to the point where Julian claimed I was stealing his parents

"Julian and them are over there", she said pointing to where I seen Julian chilling with Justin, Rocky, and Lee.

I made my way over stopping to say hey to Mr.Tailor who was stationed at the grill.

"Hey Mr.Tailor", I greeted with a smile.

He smiled,"Heeeey there goes my favorite daughter in law. These are Justin's parents James and Maria", he stated motioning to the couple in front of him.

"Nice to meet you", I said shaking their hands.

"You too. You are a beautiful girl. Julian did good", Maria said. I smiled and said a thank you.

I felt myself being lifted and I was being carried bridal style away. I looked up to see Julian carrying me away. I laughed,"What are you doing?"

A grin found its way to his lips."I'm taking you away before they start asking questions. Justin parents nosey as fuck."

We made it to where everyone else was and he sat me down before kissing me on the lips.

"Wasssssaaaaaaammm?", I said loudly.

"Wassshhh pawpin' cuhh", Rocky said dapping me up and I laughed as he pulled me into a hug.

"Hey boo", Lee said as I hugged her as well.

Justin laughed,"Wassup." He gave me a hug last.

"I have an announcement", I said.

"You pregnant? I knew it was gone happen when he seen you in them dick appointment shorts", Lee said.

"She gotta be pregnant. You shoulda seen how this nigga was looking at her the other day. Like he was ready to fuck her in front of all of us", Rocky added.

Julian just gave the stale face and Lee and Justin laughed.

"No I am not pregnant. I got a job", I said smiling brightly.

"Oh shit Where?", Julian said smiling with me.

"Sephora. I start tomorrow", I explained and everyone congratulated me.

"Thanks guys!"

"Yall know what this means!", Justin said smiling.

"Hell yeah we about to get fucked up!", Rocky shouted pouring a glass of ciroc.

"You guys really about to get drunk with your parents here?", I questioned.

"They don't care. Why you think they held a barbecue ? They needed an excuse to get drunk themselves", Julian laughed.

"Then lets turn up!", Lee said throwing back a shot.

Turn up it is.

A/N: a short but important chapter. hey look who's named miranda. coincidence? I think NOT :) Comment and vote please.

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