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We ate at California Pizza Kitchen and were now on our way back to Julians house.

We got to his house and I noticed two other cars in the driveway. One an Audi and the other a Maserati. I was praying they didn't belong to who I thought.

"Yes, my parents are home. Relax. I see you panicking over there", he said jokingly.

I laughed but in reality I was panicking for real. This would be my first time meeting a guy's parents. I had never met my ex's because according to him I wasn't good enough to bring home.

We got out and went into his house. When we got into the living room I seen a short brown skinned woman on the couch with a glass of water in hand watching Food Network.

"Hey ma", Julian greeted and she looked over at us before smiling.

"Hey my baby. Who is this ?", she asked looking me over.

"I'm Kareem", I said nervously while reaching my hand our for her to shake.

"We don't shake hands girl we hug", she said before pulling me into a hug. "I'm assuming your the young lady he's been bragging to me about ?"

"I would hope so", I said jokingly. She was actually much nicer than I thought she would be.

"Who are you talking to Iman?", I heard a male voice say before a man entered the room. He looked alot like Julian except he had a big beard and was a bit taller.

"Oh wow. The boy got himself a girl?", he said sounding astonished.

I giggled as Julian rolled his eyes. "Bruh don't act like i'm a square", Julian groaned.

"Not saying you a square son. You just never brought a girl here to meet us before", he laughed. "I'm Julian Tailor Sr. Bet this lil' nigga ain't tell you he was a Junior", he said nodding over to Julian and giving me a hug.

I looked over at Julian and laughed at his sour facial expression. "Yeah Yeah, we going upstairs", he said dragging me off with him.

"Nice meeting you all", I yelled to his parents and they laughed.

"You too."

We made it up to Julian's bedroom and he turned on the tv before flopping down on his bed.

"Why didn't you tell me you were a Junior?", I laughed.

"Its annoying. I get called Tay BECAUSE of the fact that i'm a Junior and I hate when everyone automatically associates me with my father. I like being my own person."

"Understandable", I said and he motioned me over.

"C'mere mama", he said as he sat up and waited for me.

I walked over and stood in between his legs.

He pulled me closer and ran his hands up the back of my thighs and got a good grip on my butt.

"I love this shit", he said lowly.

"Love what ?"

"The fact that you my girl."

"I love it too."

He smiled and picked me up before sitting me on top of him straddling his waist. He put his face in the crook of my neck before breathing deeply. "You smell good as hell", he said and I giggled.


"That tickles." His beard was rubbing against my skin tickling me.

He chuckled and moved around some more on purpose making me shriek in laughter. "Stop it", I managed to get out through my giggles. I felt him smirk against my skin before he started to kiss the spot he just attacked while tickling me.

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