Chapter 1: The nightmare begins...

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About a year after the first book ended.

Chapter 1


Part 1:

I pour milk in the tea because I know very well that Cassidy only drinks tea with milk in it.

I walk to the living room where Julie and Cassidy are sitting in the sofa.

Julie and I, promised Finn to look after Cassidy when he's at work, because the due day is so close now, only a week left.

Finn works at the bakery still. At first it was supposed to be a temporary job, but he likes it there and enjoy working with Peeta and they do cooperate really great together, so Peeta hired him full time instead.

Of course Pollux and Felice would be here, but they are in District 5 and are coming back tomorrow. Annie is in District 4, dealing with some stuff with her old house, she's finally going to sell it, I didn't even know you could do that, it's the capitol buying it back, apparently. So it's only me and Julie left here to look after Cassidy.

"Here you go Cassidy", I say and hand her the cup with hot nice tea.

Cassidy is about to stretch to reach for the cup, but Julie prevents her.

"No Cassidy, take it easy", she says, takes the cup and gives it to Cassidy. "You really need to rest and be careful, okay?"

Cassidy looks a bit annoyed. And I really do understand her. Everyone does everything for her and she can barley do anything herself.

"Yeah, I know you're right, you should know, I mean you've done this twice", she says to Julie and she turns to me. "And you've done this three times. It's just so damn frustrating not to be able to do things for myself".

Yeah, I gave birth to a baby girl only three months ago. Her name is Sunny Mellark. Sunny Madge Primrose. I gave her the name. Sunny; well because Peeta is my sun, he lights up the darkness and he gave me Willow, Rye and Sunny, the three little lights in my life. Madge is after my dead best friend and Primrose is of course after my dead little sister.

But Peeta wanted to take her to the bakery today. I don't know what he's trying to do, I mean he doesn't have to trick Sunny into liking baking, he already succeeded with Rye. Rye always bakes with Peeta, and he's really good at it, even though he's only seven, I guess he really is his fathers son.

I sit down beside Cassidy. Moving her back so she leans on me, and I stroke her hair. It seems to calm her down a bit.

"Believe me Cassidy, I know", I say with a giggle. "When I was pregnant, all the three times, Peeta didn't let me do anything at all, and I wasn't expecting twins like you are, it's harder for you"

Cassidy sighs.

"I know, I just think that everything has gone so fast you know, I'm twenty, I don't feel like I'm ready to be a mother, did you guys ever feel like that?" She asks.

Julie shakes her head.

"Well ... Yeah I did. It took so long for me before I went along with it, Peeta always wanted children, but I was always afraid that they would be taken away from me some how, but finally, I went along with Peeta's only wish, and I'm so happy that I did", I explain. "If I had gotten pregnant when Peeta first started talking about it, willow would be about your age now, maybe even older than you".

"You must love him very much", Cassidy smiles, she loves to talk about love.

She's right, I do. But no matter how much I try to explain it to Peeta, he never seems to understand it. I mean, he does know that I love him, but not how much.

Love, hope and sorrow Book 2 - sequel to Let the rest of the life begin!Where stories live. Discover now