Chapter 5: Opening ceremony

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Chapter 5


Today we have the opening ceremony, so Rye and I walk with Uncle Plutarch to the renewal center.

When we're there I get my three assistants who immediately begins to fix me.

I try to be patient with them and finally I get to meet my stylist.

She walks through the door and I can't help thinking that she looks really pretty. She isn't like the others from the Capitol.

"Hey Willow, my name is Kylie and my twin brother Skyler is your brother's stylist", she says. "We are your mothers stylist Cinna's children".

Say what now? Mama never told me that Cinna had children.

"Mama never told me that..." I start but Kylie interrupts me.

"She doesn't know yet, no one knew, my mother didn't want anyone to know that Cinna was our father, and he died when we were four".


I hug her because I can see that she is very close to tears. She gratefully accepts my hug.

She pulls out a black body sock.

"This is the costume your mother had during the opening ceremony in her first Game, but I had to sew it a little so it fits you", Kylie explains and I gasp. You're a little smaller than your mother was at your age".

"Is Rye going to wear Papa's old costume?" I ask.

"Yes but Skyler had to sew it down a lot because your father was much more broad shouldered and taller than Rye is because he was sixteen at the time and Rye is only twelve", Kylie says while helping me put on my costume.

"Are we also going to be on fire?" I ask.

Kylie nods.

"Yes but Skyler and I change the fire a little", she admits.

"How so?"

"Well we think it's wrong that you and Rye are going to be in the Games so we made the fire look like as if your parents are standing behind you in the carriage, in fire shape of course, just to show that we all stand behind you through all of this and make sure you come home again", Kylie says and I hug her again.

"How can you do that?" I ask curiously.

"You can do anything if you have your father's talent", Kylie smiles.

When I'm completely done, I walk with Kylie and my assistants to the stables where the carriages are.

Everyone but Rye is already here. No one seems angry, but they look at me with pity glances. I look down because I don't want their pity. The other tributes has so silly costumes that I really have a hard time not to laugh at them.

When I look up again I see Rye walking with his team.

I immediately drag Rye into a hug.

"Take it easy Willow, we will get through this", he laughs.

I let him go.

"Together", I say and take his hand.

We get up on our carriage and the carriages begins to roll out.

Kylie and Skyler asked that our carriage should be last.

Rye links our arms together and Skyler comes and set fire on our costumes. The fire tickles a little.

When we get out everyone falls silent and just stares at us. Everyone must think that we are small copies of our parents when we wear their costumes. Also the shock of seeing our parents in fire forms in our carriage.

When they have absorbed the scene they begin to yell our names.

I look up on one of the screens and completely drop my chin.

It really looks as if Mama and Papa are here with us. We look good, we look angry and betrayed. We are copies of our parents. Only Rye has big silvery eyes and I have big blue eyes. Both of our eyes are full of hatred.

We arrive to Uncle Plutarch residence and every carriage stops outside.

Everytime we have been in the Capitol, we have lived here, but not now.

Everything just feels so weird right now. It feels wrong, it's not suppose to be like this. Everything is upside down.

Uncle Plutarch doesn't look or sound happy when he welcomes everyone to the very last Hunger Games.

We meet our teams again. We see our parents and Grandpa Haymitch come jogging towards us and drags us into hugs and kisses.

"We're so proud of you two", Papa says and kisses my head.

"Well Kylie and Skyler are the once who made it happen", I say. "It's your costumes".

Mama and Papa looks at Kylie and Skyler. They both look shocked and starts to stare at them instead.

"Have we seen you guys before?" Papa asks.

"No but their father is Cinna", Rye says and it seems like Mama is going to cry.

Skyler explains everything and my mother begins to cry.

"But we will get through this together", I say. "We will".

Papa drags me to him.

"Yes we will Princess", he agrees.

Rye link our arms again and we all start to walk towards the apartment in the training center.

We will do this together and Rye and I will win, we have to, we just have to.

We have to win for our Mama and Papa.


Okay so that was another chapter done. I hope you guys liked it :)

Please vote and comments what you thought about this chapter please :)

-Josephine xx

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