Chapter 39: Kidnapped

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Chapter 39


I open my eyes when someone puts a hard and ungentle hand on my mouth and prevents me from screaming. I can only breath through my nose.

I start breathing fast and stare wildly around me and see a man with a black balaclava over his head and face with a breathing hole at the mouth and peephole at the eyes.

It's impossible to see who the hell he his.

He drags me up from the bed and I see a woman, also with a black balaclava. She stands by Peetas side and I want to scream but I can't. I don't know who she is. I don't know who the man is either of course. I wish I did.

The woman holds a napkin against Peetas nose and I can smell that it's something that makes anyone who breaths it in unconscious.

I try to scream but but it's muffled by the man's hand. I start to struggle and the man presses his hand tighter around my face.

I know that they're going to take me away from Peeta, why would they do this of they wouldn't?

I want to scream again, but the mans hand is holding a too tight grip around my mouth, it even hurts.

I bite the man's hand.

"OUCH!" He roars.

"PEETA!" I roar, but now his out of it for I don't know how long, and before he wakes up again, I'm gonna be long gone.

"Shut up!" The woman hisses at me.

"NO WAY!" I shout. "PEETA!"

The women comes up to me and gives me a hard face slap.

It hurts. But I won't cry in front of them.

They start to drag me out, when we reach the kitchen I grab a knife and sticks it into the arm of the guy who roars in pain. I start to run but one of them takes a hold of me again and cut my cheek with the knife, and after that my arm. It splatters blood out on the walls, floor, and the furnitures. I roar in pain and feel like I can't put up a fight anymore. It hurts so much, I don't know how I can keep my tears inside of me still, but I do, and I won't cry in front of this people.

"Peeta..." I whisper.

"He won't hear you, you sissy", the man hisses to me and his he punch me down to the floor. I hit hard and whimper in pain when I crash land.

Who are these people? Why do they want to hurt me?

I'm so glad that they don't do anything to Peeta, but why won't they? I mean why just me? But I pray and hope that they will be satisfied with only me, and leave my family and friends alone, they can do what the hell they want with me, but they can't harm my family and friends.

They open the door and I try to hold on to the door, but the drag me away from there easily, leaving red handmarks of blood on the door from my hands.

They start to drag me out of the hut and out on the beach. It's still dark outside. They drag me into the water and I whimper in pain when the salt water get in touch with my wounds. It hurts so much. So damn much.

At first I don't quite understand why they would do the effort to go through the water like this, but then I understand that it's because they want to cover our tracks. Pretty smart actually but not so good for me, now it will be harder for someone to find me. Maybe if they would've continued on the sand, someone would have notice our tracks in the morning, but now it's impossible.

When we get up out of the water they put a blindfold on me and I can't see anything. I hate being blindfolded. I hate not being able to see what I have in front of me, the dark is an enemy of mine, it always has been, and it always will be. I get more scared of the dark than the thought of what these people will do to me, when we arrive at the place they want me at. I hope they're dumb enough to keep me here in District 4, but I really don't think that they are.

They force me to duck, crawl under things, step over high things and climb.

"Please let me go", I beg.

"Shut up!" They hiss.

"Don't do anything to my family", I say.

I recognize the woman's voice now. I've heard it before.

"Do I know you?" I ask. "I recognize your voice".

"I thought we told you to shut the fuck up", the woman hisses and now I do know that I recognize it, but where from?

"But..." I start but get interrupted my a slap in my face.

After that I remain silent. I don't want anymore slaps, they hurt really bad.

I can't see where I put my feet, which now causes me to stumble over something.

"Keep yourself up on your feet, or do you want us to chop them off?" The man hisses.

"No no no no..." I say terrified.

"Than stand on them you shitass!"

They lift me up roughly and I stand on shaky legs. I'm so scared. I'm not scared for myself, but that they will go after my family once they're done with me.

We start walking again. It feels like we walk for hours and hours, but yet like we go too fast. The faster we go, the faster my death comes. I'm not scared of death. I'm not scared to die. I just don't want to leave Peeta. When he wakes up again, he will see that I'm not beside him in the bed, and then he will walk up to look for me, and he will see all the blood in the kitchen. I don't know what he will do, but he can't come after me, if he does and they capture him as well, they will kill him too, and that can't happen, our children can't be orphans, they're going to need their father, now more than ever. Oh my kids. Will I ever see them and Peeta again?

I have never thought of a life after this. I haven't believed it. I know Peeta does, he believe it becasue it sounds so magical and because he wants to have a life with me in the life after this. Is there a life after this? Will I meet Peeta again? I do believe in one thing. I believe in soul-mates, and Peeta is forever mine. Maybe soul-mates gets the opportunity to meet after death, in a parallel universe or something like that. I don't know if I believe in that, but i really hope it's true. I want to meet my Peeta again. I really do.

Peeta I'm so sorry, baby, just know that I love you.

"Peeta I'm so sorry..." I whisper and let a single tear run down my left eye and down my cheek and chin before it falls down to the ground and disappears.


Hey you guys, what did you think? There will be two more chapters and then this books is done. Wow this one went out fast, don't you think?

Do you want the last two today? Or do you want me to wait with them until tomorrow? Your choice!

Please vote and comment on this one though, about what you thought of it :)

-Josephine xx

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