Chapter 10: Telling Mama and Papa

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Chapter 10


We sit in the living room waiting for the program with the points to start. Does it have a name? I don't know. I never thought about it before. It doesn't start until about half an hour.

Willow is in my arms saying absolutely nothing. She hasen't said a sound for two hours now.

My arms are wrapped around her and I hold her tight against me.

I want my little girl back. My little girl who always used to sneak into mine and Peeta's bedroom or always used to kiss Peeta on the cheek ten times a day, or hugged my legs, who always wanted to feed and help to take care of Rye and dancing happily on the meadow. My little girl who always was so happy and carefree, who always laughed, but cried when I cried even though she didn't understand why. My little girl who always makes me feel better, just like Peeta always does.

I kiss Willow on the head and strokes her hair with my hand. Willow cuddle deeper into my embrace and gives off a loud and deep sigh that gets Peeta to take his eyes off the TV and look at us.

I meet Peeta's eyes with mine and he smiles sadly. But his eyes are filled with concern and he lay a hand on my face and wipe away my tears with his big, soft and warm thumb. It's only now I realize that I'm actually crying. But I don't want Willow to see it, so I put my chin on top of her head.

Rye walks into the living room in a big, baggy and black hoodie with pair of gray softpants. His ashy blonde hair is still wet from the shower, making it a few shades darker. He still has a boyish face with a little chubby cheeks and big big eyes, the same color as mine.

I love my children so much, how will I be able to see them in the Hunger Games? TheHunger Games was the reason I didn't want have any kids at all, because I was afraid to lose them to the Games, and now one of my two biggest fears has come true.

Rye sits down in the sofa next to Peeta and lean against him. Peeta wraps his protective big and strong arms around Rye. I find myself becoming a bit jealous, I also want to be wrapped in Peeta's embrace, but Rye needs him more right now, so I sit still with Willow in my arms and I hug her tighter.

"How's..." Rye begins but Peeta put his hand on his mouth and I shake my head.

Rye looks at Willow and sadness fills his silvery eyes. He sighs low and put his face between Peeta's chest and arm.

I catch Peetas eyes and we just stare at each other. What the hell do we do now? Both of our kids are depressed, Peeta is depressed, Haymitch and Effie are depressed, Plutarch is depressed, Annie, Johanna and everybody at home are depressed, I'm depressed, so what the hell can we do? Absolutely nothing.

Peeta and I love our kids more than anything and yet we can't do anything to get them to feel better. I mean how can we, when we can't even get ourselves to feel better?

The program starts and I notice that Caesar is also depressed when he reads out the points.

Most of the tributes got eight or nines, while the others got from a four up to a six. A guy with a snake tattoo on his skull named Samuel and a girl with whiskers named Melanie scooped a ten. For some reason Rye flares up in anger. What's up with him?

After them it's time for Willow and Rye to get their points and they both get an eleven. I'm proud of them, but that feeling drowns pretty fast when I'm filled with so much more concern, everyone's going to want to take out them first because I think that others are likely to believe that Willow and Rye are the biggest threat in the Game now. Which they obviously are. But still.

"How the hell did that happen?" Willow mumbles. "I could've might as well set the whole building on fire and they go ahead and give me a damn eleven?"

Love, hope and sorrow Book 2 - sequel to Let the rest of the life begin!Where stories live. Discover now