Chapter 18: Everything is... not okay

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Chapter 18


I don't understand what the Gamemakers are after.

It's just Rye, Samuel and I left. It's the final now, why don't they shove us together?

"Maybe we're already close to him", Rye whispers with afterthought.

Yeah. Yeah maybe so.

But I'm not sure, I mean ... Well we probably would have run into him at this point.

"I don't know", I say hesitantly.

"What else could it be?" Rye asking.

"I don't know", I say.

"Is that the only thing you can say?" Rye asks sarcastically.

"I don't know", I say, and that's the start point of our laughter.

It's the first time I hear Rye laugh ever since we came into the arena.

Ryes laughter sounds like a pure melody. So clean and nice to listen to.

Now I realize how much I've missed hearing my little brother laugh.

"No, but seriously now, why haven't they shoved us together?" Rye asks.

"I don't kno... I have no idea Rye", I say, smiling.

He sighs and sits down on the ground. He picks up my bag and takes out one of the water bottles.

Rye grunts.

"I want to go home now!" He says.

But it takes me a few seconds before I get that it's not me he was talking to.

I look at him. He wouldn't ...? Or would he?

"Yes, I'm talking to you!" Rye shouts and points at a tree.

I'm certain that it's a camera in that tree even though we can't see it.

"Just us together! What are you waiting for anyway? Just get it over with!"

"Rye", I say. "Relax, they will, or maybe it's like you said, that we're already close to him".

Rye looks at me with wet eyes. But he isn't crying.

I look at the open wound on his throat.

Rye didn't want me to put bandage around his throat.

I sit next to him.

"You always seem so angry when we mention Samuel", I say.

Rye just looks at me and snorts.

"Well after he said what he said ... I just wanted to..." He says and dose a gesture with his hands.

"But what did he say exactly?" I ask.

"Nothing you need to know", he says.


"No Willow, please can we just talk about something else?" He begs.

"Not until you tell me!" I say and cross my arms over my chest.

"He said that he was going to rape you because you're so damn sexy, so can we talk about something else now?" He asks angrily.

WHAT?! He said that to my little brother? Why not just smak me in my face ... With a stone?!

I get a creeping feeling underneath my skin. I feel myself starting to shake.

"That's why I didn't want to say anything", Rye says and looks guilty.

I put my face in my hands and sigh.

Rye starts to rub my back.

"Haha look at that, who knew that we would meet each other here" a voice behind us says and I take my face off my hands and turn around.

There he stands, no one other than Samuel, himself.

My eyes narrows and I stand up.

I take my bow and shoot an arrow in Samuels leg. I want him to suffer.

"Ow, you whore, what the hell do you think you're doing?" He asks and fall to the ground.

"How the hell can you say that to my little brother, you asshole?" I asked angrily.

Samuel's face splits into a big perverse smile.

I feel his gaze wander to my chest.

I swallow hard. What a fucking idiot!

But suddenly he stands up, despite the arrow in his leg. He walks up to me, and I resist the urge to run away.

His hands lands on my breast.

I raise my hand and rungar a slap in his face with all the strength I'm mighty.

Rye steps between us and pushes Samuel back, so hard he flies a meter away.

"Stay away from my sister, you perverted ass!" He shouts furious.

"What's your problem?" I shout to Samuel that just keeps grinning like a fool.

I raise my bow again and Rye raises his knife. We aim and shoot.

I see that a knife has left Samuels hand as well, and it's heading toward ... Rye!

Everything happens in a couple of seconds and I throw myself between Rye and the knife.

I feel a sharp pain in my stomach and I whimper loudly in pain.

I feel myself fall to the ground.

I look at Samuel and see that the knife and arrow has hit him and I hear a cannon shot.

Well at least Rye is going home now.

I feel like my head is going away and my eyesight begins to blur.

"WILLOW! WILLOW NO, NOOO!" I hear Rye roar somewhere that feels far away, even though I can see that he's only a few millimeters away from me.

"I told you that I would do everything I could to help you get home to Mama and Papa", I say with a really weak voice.

I feel myself start to fade away.


The pain in my stomach is so strong.

I want to tell Rye that everything is going to be okay. But I can't lie to Rye, I just can't, and I don't think everything is goingt to be okay. At least not for me.

The last thing I see, is Rye and his tears before everything goes black before my eyes.


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-Josephine xx

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