Chapter 15: Unexpected

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Chapter 15


How? How could Rye know that I had blood poisoning. Katniss and I haven't told them about that yet. And how did they know about my feelings for Katniss already as a sixteen year old boy?

I look down at Katniss who sitting and smiling to herself.

"Peeta is that true?" She asks, looking up at me.

"What?" I ask and brush away a lock of hair from her beautiful eyes.

"That you managed to keep yourself alive because you had me there with you?" She asks, and her eyes which so often are tearful, now overflows.

I smile warmly at her. I caress her cheek softly.

"Yes. Yes it's true", I say.

"Oh I wish I knew back then, how much I actually loved you", Katniss says sadly and buries her face in my shirt.

"No, it dosen't matter baby, the important thing is that you figured it out in the end, we love each other and we have three beautiful children together", I say and kiss her head.


At the same time in the arena:


Willow and I left the cave a few hours ago. We didn't stay there. Firstly, it reminded us to much of our parents, and secondly, it's so discreet that no one notice it at first glance, and we have to meet the others as quickly as possible while we're strong, because I really want to go home to Mama and Papa.

"Wait. Wait Willow, stop!" I whisper.

Willow stops and looks around.

"What is it?" She whispers back.

"I think I heard something from behind th..." I start but something jumps forward from the bush I was pointing at.

She runs right past me and jumps over Willow and tackles her to the ground. Willow was unprepared so she falls like a stone with the girl over her. The girl sits on Willows stomach.

What the hell do I do now?

But I see how the girl has pulled out her knife and is going to stab Willow in the chest, and I act only on pure impulse.

I take my spear, runs up to them and laces the spear into the girl who screams, but Willow screams too.

I panick.

Oh no, I've laced my own sister!

But I only hear one cannon shot, and now I notice that the girl had managed to stab Willow in the arm. Deep. Really deep, because I can only see the handle of the knife in her arm.

I help Willow to sit up and I look anxiously at the knife that is pierced into her arm.

Willow isn't crying, though I see that she wants to.

"Oh fuck! Fuck it hurts so damn much!" She shouts angrily.

I swallow hard.

"We have to pull it out Willow", I say gently.

Her eyes gets bigger with horror. But she starts to look around and take up a big sized stick.

"What are you going to..." I start but becomes quiet when I see her put the stick in her mouth.

I understand that she want to have something to bite on, in order to not scream.

I put my hand on the handle of the knife.

"Okay you ready?" I ask.

Willow shakes her head but looks at the knife and sighs. She wants me to do it, even tough she isn't ready.

"1 ... 2 ... 3!" I say and on three I pull it out, quick and painful.

Willow screams in pain, but it doesn't sound as loud as it would've if she hadn't had the stick in her mouth.

It's bleeding violently from her arm and I become nervous.

"How do we stop this?" I ask and put my hand over the jack in her arm.

My hands become  all bloody, but I really don't care about that right now.

I stretch and drag one of the bags to me and take up the medicin bag. There are a few bandages in there but it won't stop the bleeding. What actually stops a bleeding is a tourniquet, but she could lose the arm, so I really don't want to do that, it's so risky. But what choice do I have? She will bleed to death, I can see that she's already getting a bit weaker. And I would want to see Willow lose an arm rather than her life.

But when I take the knife and cut off a big bit of my shirt and I start with the tourniquet I see a parachute coming down from the sky towards us. I follow it with my eyes and it lands in my lap.

I open it and see a jar. I also see a note.

I read the note aloud:

"Use this, it stops the bleeding, but you have to keep the wound under bandage until it has healed.

Great work so far and don't ever forget that we love you. We know that we'll see each other soon.

Kisses and hugs,

Mama, Papa and grandpa Haymitch".

I open the jar and see a white cream. I put two fingers down in the sticky cream and take up a big click and puts it on Willows wound.

She gasps in pain and she flexes her fists.

"Does it hurt that bad?" I asks anxiously, I really don't want to cause her anymore pain.

She lets out another gasp and shakes her head.

"No, it just stings like hell", she gasps and bangs her fist from her good arm in the ground.

"Sorry", I say and continue to lubricate the wound on the inside and outside and try to ignore Willows gasps in pain.

After I lubed the wound for a little while the bleeding stops. I sigh in relief, smiling and put bandages around the open wound.

Willow gasps in relief and collapses tired in my arms.

"Thank you Rye", she says.

"Oh I just lubricated the wound, it wasn't hard to do that", I say dismissively and wrap my arms around her to try to get her warm. She's so cold and shakes. Maybe because of the blood loss.

"No not that, I mean that you saved my life. I know that it wasn't easy to kill her", she says and I hear the tears in her throat, but she's not crying.

Willow is so strong. She really is. I mean she had a knife in her arm and has lost a lot of blood, and she hasn't broken down. I'm so proud of her.

"I wasn't thinking about it, I was just thinking about saving you Willow", I say and kiss her forehead

Willow falls asleep and I gently pull up the sleeping bag. I spread it out and gently put Willow in the sleeping bag, while I sit beside her, where I oversee the entire area and guard. I don't retreating with my eyes, if it's not to check on Willow who's fast asleep.

Anyone can come to attack whenever.


Hey you guys, I hope hat you liked this chapter.

Please vote and comment to tell me what you thought, I would be happy if you did, really happy in fact :)

-Josephine xx

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