Chapter 37: It really is huge news

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Chapter 37


We spend the whole evening with a party at the beach.

Caesar is also partying of course, but he spends most of the evening to pull everyone away for an interview in pairs he is interested in, such as me and Peeta, Finnick and Annie, Willow, Rye and Sunny, Willow and Felix, Willow and Hunter, me, Peeta, Willow and Rye, Finnick and Finn, Finnick, Annie and Finn, Johanna and her boyfriend, Finn and Cassidy and lastly Cassidy and Pollux.

I don't like to party, but I do have a really fun evening. I can't remember the last time I had this much fun.

"Effie!" I shout when I see a lady in a awry wig and with a drink in her hand.

She goes awry and on shaky legs. Oh. My. God. Oh my god. Effie is drunk. She is fucking drunk, I've never ever seen her drunk, I've never seen her drink more then one glass of wine.

"Oh! Katniss dear!" Effie shouts drunk and walks up to me.

Effie falls over me when she trips in her shaky legs. But fortunaly I'm strong enough to hold her up.

"Oops! Man overboard!" Effie laughs and I have to force myself not to burst out laughing.

Wow Effie is really drunk.

I see Haymitch walk by.

"Haymitch!" I shout and he looks at me.

But Haymitch isn't as good as me on controlling his laughter. And when he sees me and Effie he bursts out laughing his head off.

"No, don't laugh, stop it and help me with her!" I say angrily.

Haymitch comes laughing up to me and take over Effie and than walks away with her, still clucking with laughter.

I sigh and giggle. Haha oh Effie.

I see Johanna. Now! Now she won't slip away from me. Not this time. Now she will tell me how the hell this happened. How she is pregnant, and not telling me about it!"

"Johanna!" I shout.

She sees me and tries to run away from me, but I'm faster than her at the moment, because she seems to be afraid for her stomach's sake. So I grab her arm and forces her to stay.

"Oh no, now you're going to tell me!" I say.

"Tell you what, brainless?" She asks innocently.

"We talk on the phone every single day, and tell each other everything", I say. "But you forgot to tell a little tiny detail".

Johanna sighs and we sit down in the sand, right where we stand.

"I haven't directly told anyone", she says. "Apart from Alexander".

"Alexander huh?" I ask, winking.

Johanna laughs.

"Yeah..." She says smiling.

She's really in love. Oh my Johanna is finally growing up. Oh, this is just perfect.

"Oh... You're in love..." I say and she hits me on the arm.

"Shut up!" She says. "So what if I am? Lots of people are".

"Yeah but I never thought you would let love enter your life again", I say smiling.

"Yeah ... Me either", she admits. "But I'm so glad I did".

"Me too", I smile, putting a hand on her baby belly. "So how far long are you?"

"Four months, and next week I'm going to find out the gender of the baby", she says.

"Oh my god. Johanna!" I shout and pulls her into a hug.

"Okay, okay", she says. "Take it easy, it's not such big news".

"Are you kidding me? Of course it is, Johanna Mason is pregnant for god sake, it's huge news!" I say overjoyed.

"No it's not", she says.

"Yes it is", I hear Peeta say behind me and he sits down beside me. "It really is huge news and really, really great news".

I nod, happy to have someone else tell Johanna that. Especially Peeta, because everyone knows that Peeta almost never lies, not about these things at least.

"Are you guys sure?" Johanna asks, looking at us both.

"Yes!" We say at the same time, which causes Johanna to burst out laughing.

"Okay, if you really insist, than okay", she says.

Alexander comes and sits by Johannas side.

I spread Peetas legs and sit between them while I lean my upper body against him and he wraps his arms around me.

I smile and look at Johanna and Alexander. Alexander has his arms wrapped around Johanna.

"I'm glad you finally also can feel this", I say, snuggle deeper into Peetas embrace. "The love from a loving man, nothing is like that, nothing, you always know that someone is here to protect you, always".

Peetas arms tightens around me at my words.

"Always", he whispers in my ear, so only I can hear it.

"I know", Johanna says, kissing Alexander.

I lift my head and look at Peeta. The only man I've ever been in love with, and the only man I will always and forever love, even when I'm dead.

I kiss those lips I always crave for to kiss my lips.


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-Josephine xx

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