Chapter 41: We're going to find her!

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Chapter 41


I still have the blindfold before my eyes.

It sounds as if they open a door ... Yeah they do, and they push me through it, after that they close the door with a loud bang.

They take off my blindfold and leave me in a badly lit up room with only a mattress in it. Is it here I'm suppose to sleep? Are they kidding me?

And now my tears comes. Now when I'm sure that I'm to myself for a while.

I want my Peeta. I want my cute and sweet children. I want my Peeta. I want Peeta to hold me, like he always do when I cry. Peeta!

I sit down in a corner of the room and cry so much that my throat starts to sting and burn. And finally, I've cried so much I can't get out a single tear anymore.

I hear a commotion outside the door.

I stand up and walk to the door. I lean my head against the door with my ear to it. I quickly understand that this door doesn't block out the sound very good, because I can hear pretty much everything they say from outside.

Someone slams a fist hard into a table.

"Damn it Theodore! Be a man for gods sake!" I hear the woman scream.

"But Fiona we don't even have a plan!" The man, Theodore, says.

Fiona? Fiona Coin? What? Isn't she locked up? How did she get out? Is it really her? The woman that wanted to see my children dead! And now she want me dead?

"We sure do!" She says angrily.

"Okay, so what is it?" Theodore asks.

It's quiet for a while before Fiona response.

"Okay, we don't, but we do know what to do", she says. "We took her, now we have her, and the rest we're figure out later on, okay?"

"But I'm not so sure that this is such a good idea", Theodore says uncertain.

He doesn't sound like a man, not the way he did before, he sounds like a boy. A young adult.

"Be a man damn it! Live up to your name, for the love of god! Your great-grandfather wouldn't have been very proud to have such a sissy as a great-grandchild!"

"What the fuck do you know about him? Absolutly nothing!" Theodore sputters.

"Neither do you! But you know what has been said Theodore!" Fiona says and slams her hand on the table again. "He wanted Peeta and Katniss dead, and now it's our turn to make it happen".

"We can't kill her Fiona!" Theodore says firmly.

Who is this Theodore? He doesn't seem to be into this at all.

"Theodore Snow, it's time you man up, how many times do I need to say that?!" Fiona yells.

I gasp. What the hell did the bitch say? Theodore what-was-his-name? Snow? What the hell? When the hell did Snows grandaughter get pregnant? How old is Theodore?

"Fiona! I'm not gonna be a part of killing her! I'm not gonna do that, do you understand? Do you?" Theodore yells. "Your an even bigger tyrant than my great-grandfather, I hate the way he was and what he did to those children in the Districts. When I found out what family I come from, I wanted to do everything I could to not be linked with him! And of course you go ahead and find me and force to do this! Do you even have a heart?"

It's quiet for a while.

What does he mean? How can she force him?

"It doesn't matter. You do what I tell you to do! Do you understand?" Foina says and yet again slams her fist onto the table. "But we're not going to kill her, that would be way to easy, it would be like setting her free or something".

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