Chapter 29: Weird...

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Chapter 29


"Katniss darling?" I shout. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, just a minute, babe", she shouts back to me from the office.

I stand stand at the counter, waiting for my beautiful wife. She probably just finished the papers and now we can go home so I can start with dinner. I have three kids and a wife to feed.

Katniss comes out of the office that is inside of the two doors behind the counter.

As soon as I see her, my face muscles starts to work, as they always do when I see Katniss, and my face splits into a big smile.

"Shall we, my love?" I ask, and hand her my arm.

Katniss hooks her arm around mine and smiles widely.

"Yes please, I'm starting to get hungry", she says.

"What do you want to eat tonight, then?" I ask.

"Hm... I don't know, we can ask the kids what they want, it doesn't really matter to me, everything you make tastes like heaven anyways", she says as we sarts walking towards the door.

I smile, she always says that. About my food that is. She says that, that's why she needs to workout all the time.

But just as we arrive at the door, it suddenly opens from outside and Finn and Cassidy comes in.

What are they doing here?

"There you are!" Cassidy exclaims.

What? They knew that we would be here.

I raise one eyebrow and look suspiciously at them.

"Yes? Like you knew", I say.

"Yeah, yeah of course we did, but we just thought that you already went home", Finn says. "We just got surprised that you're still here, but it's really good, because Cassidy and I thought that we could bake".

"You two?" Katniss asks.

"No. Us four, I mean you and Cassidy can't really bake, but Peeta and I can, so I thought that we could have some fun", Finn says.

Wait what? They want to bake now? Are they serious? It's like six o'clock at the evening. Why didn't they come earlier?

"But I have to go home and feed..." I start but Finn interrupts me.

"No, Mom and Dad are there, they've already fed the kids", he says and Cassidy nods.

They have? Why didn't Annie and Finnick talk to us? What the hell is going on?

I raise my eyebrows.

"Eh ... Okay?" Katniss says and I know that she thinks the exact same thing as I do.

"Okay listen here", Cassidy says. "We do know that this came really sudden, but we thought that it would be really fun to bake with you guys, it was a while ago we did something together, only us four, like we used to when Finn and I we're kids".

Well ... She's right, it really was a while ago, and it would be really fun.

"Okay than", I say and go and turn on the lamps that I just had turned off.

"Yey!" Cassidy shouts happily.

Sometimes you can think that she's ten years old all over again, she really can be so cute and goofy.

Cassidy runs into the kitchen before I can stop her, and immediately we hear a loud crash.

Oh no!

Love, hope and sorrow Book 2 - sequel to Let the rest of the life begin!Where stories live. Discover now