Chapter 3: Signs of hope

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Chapter 3


We're back in our old apartment in the training center. I hoped that we'd never had to come back here. But the tributes are still paired two and two so they can train.

Peeta and I are going to train two kids and someone's going to train Willow and Rye. Oh no, train Willow and Rye. Oh no, mine and Peeta's babies are going to be in the horrible Hunger Games, and that's what I wanted to protect them from. But it's my fault that the Games are on, one more time. I voted yes and I made Haymitch vote yes as well.

Peeta and I do nothing more than to hold each other and cry. Haymitch hasn't said a word for several hours now.

We just sit in the living room.

"What the hell are we going to do?" I finally asks with a husky voice.

"We're waiting for Plutarch, he said he would come here soon", Haymitch says with a dead voice.

Of course, he loves Willow, Rye and Sunny. They're his sweet, lovely and wonderful grandchildren. He loves them, so much.

Suddenly Plutarch comes rushing into the living room.

He stops and pants loudly.

"Well?!" Peeta asks impaitenly. "What's your plan? Has our President worked his magic?"

"Yes! Yes I have", he says. "I tried to get them out of the Games but I couldn't".

My heart breaks even more. I didn't know it could break this much.

"But I did managed to fix two things", he says slowly.

"What is it?" Haymitch asks with a little half-crazy voice.

"Yeah! Do you have to talk that slow, are you trying to kill us or something? Spit it out, right now!" Peeta shouts.

"You may be their mentors, all three of you", Plutarch says and I sigh in relief that no one else are going to be our babies mentors. "Also, I changed back the rules from your first Hunger Games, so two can win, which means that Willow and Rye can come home again".

"How can you know that?" I ask.

I'm grateful for what Plutarch have done, but how can he know that they will come back?

"I don't really", he admits. "But if they have yours and Peeta's bravery, courage and prowess, all the things the Capitol children does not have, I think they will, I mean of course, Willow and Rye have always had a life where they can get everything they want and need, but you and Peeta have taught them how to survive if they wouldn't, like you did".

My head falls back to Peeta's chest and I begin to sob again.

"He's right you know", Haymitch says low.

"Yeah if they have all your qualities, they will find their way back home from the Games", Peeta says.

My qualities? What about his? I can't believe he's doing this again, he ignores himself, he gotta stop doing that!

I lift my head and look at him.

"Peeta stop that! Don't do that again, you are all of that too, you joined with the careerists to protect me, isn't that bravery?"

"She's right Peeta, you're all that and more", Haymitch says.

The doors open and we see Willow and Rye being escorted in by two peacekeepers.

"Mama! Papa!"

We fly up off the sofa and runs to our babies.

I grip Rye and press him close to me while Peeta press Willow against him.

I try not to cry. But I can't. I have Rye in my arms and I never want to let my baby go. Peeta and Willow embraces me and Rye, and Haymitch comes and embraces all four of us.

Everyone are crying.

There have been so many tears today. So. Much. Crying.

"Listen, you're going to make it, we're your mentors and we'll make sure that you're coming home, you hear? We'll get through this together", I say and look at Willow and Rye.

"Mama, can we see your and Papa's Hunger Game?" Willow asks.

They don't know that we have been in two Hunger Games yet, we haven't told them.

I freeze when I hear her question.

"No! No Willow!" I say, I don't want them to see that.

"But Mama, we can prepare ourselves better if we do", Rye says. "I won't let Willow sacrifice herself for me, like she said she would, I want to protect her too, I mean sure, she's four years older, but I'm still more muscular than her, and I can protect her, I want to, but I need to know how, and I think I can find the answers in your Hunger Game".

Willow said that she would sacrifice herself for Rye?

"They're right baby, they do need to see our Hunger Games", Peeta says, pulling me close to him and kisses my neck.

Willow and Rye didn't even notice that he said 'Games' and not 'Game'.

I sigh. They may be right. Maybe they do need to see mine and Peeta's Hunger Games.

"Haymitch..." I start but he interrupts me.

"Already on it, sweetheart!" He says with a phone to the ear.

I smirk and shake my head.

"Wait a minute!" Willow says and looks as if she just realized something.

"What?" Rye asks.

"Were you in two Hunger Games?" She asks looking at me and Peeta.

So she did notice? Peeta and I look at each other.

"Yes, yes we were, but you're going to learn about that in school", I say firmly. "And what happened after, but not now!"

"But..." She begins.

"No Willow!" I say.

"And what if I don't come back?" She asks.

"Don't even think that Willow", Peeta says. "You two are Mellarks with Mellark and Everdeen blood in your vains, and Mellark's never give up, not ever, you hear? And neither does the Everdeen's. You're coming back and we're going back home, okay?"

The Everdeen's never gives up. Well except my mother who gave up.

"Yeah Papa", Rye says with his innocent voice, he hasn't gotten a mans voice yet.

Rye takes Willow's hand and hold it tight.

"We're Mellark's, we're your kids, Peeta and Katniss Mellark's kids, and our parents didn't give up, and neither are we", he says.

"Never ever", Willow agrees.

Peeta and I smile at our two babies.

"Guys, I have the DVD: s", Haymitch says.

I become nervous. Willow and Rye are going to see mine and Peeta's Hunger Games.

We sit down on the sofa where Plutarch sits with tearful eyes and Haymitch puts on the first one.

Now there's no turning back.


Okay another chapter is done. I hope you liked it :)

Please vote and comment to tell me what you thought, I would be happy if you did :)

-Josephine xx

Love, hope and sorrow Book 2 - sequel to Let the rest of the life begin!Where stories live. Discover now