Chapter 33: Fighting

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Chapter 33


Remember Katniss. Remember. What did you forget? And why?

Oh this is so frustrating and I swear I'm going crazy and I'm serious, I really have to remember.

Not just because it's frustrating, but because I feel so guilty. I feel so guilty about something, and I don't even know why.

I lie in bed on the train in our compartment.

"Damn..." I mumble frustrated to myself.

Suddenly I hear sobbing.

"Peeta?" I shout low.

I get no answer, but I hear more sobbing, coming from the bathroom.

I step out of the bed. It's not that cold even though I only have a short black lace nightgown.

I go up to the bathroom door.

"Peeta?" I say and knock lightly on the door.

I still don't get an answer.

I put my hand on the door handle and open the door.

Peeta sits on the floor leaning against the wall, while his knees is up to his face and with tears running from his beautiful eyes.

I hate seeing Peeta cry. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.

"Peeta?" I say and go up to him and sits down on the floor next to him. "Baby what is it?"

I start massage one of his muscular arms. Peeta is very muscular still and so hot, I still lose my breath when I see him, and even though I hate to see my man cry, I love that he isn't afraid to show his feelings.

"I don't know", Peeta says.

I wipe Peetas tears with my thumb and put my chin on Peetas shoulder and with my lips resting on his cheek.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Katniss, I don't know why I'm crying", Peeta says frustrated. "I just feel so guilty all the time, I don't even know why I feel so guilty, I just know I do, and I do it all the damn time!"

Peeta pulls away from me and walks up to the mirror.

"Aahh", he shouts.

I'm standing up and wrap my arms around Peetas waist from behind and leans my head against his back.

"It'll be okay, baby", I say.

Peeta pulls away.

I turn Peeta around, take his head between my hands and press my lips against his. But he doesn't kiss me back. Instead he pulls away. Again.

"Peeta what is it?" I ask angrily. "Why do you reject me?"

"Katniss, I'm trying to figure out what I've forgotten", he says. "Can you just ... Leave?!"

I frown. Peeta makes me so mad right now! Why is he doing this to me? Why is he redjecting me? I mean I don't redject him and I feel exactly the same way.

"You're not the only one!" I shout at him. "I feel the exact same thing, but I don't redject you!"

I storm out of the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.

Peeta can't do this to me! He can't redject me? But obviously he can, because he just did!

I start hitting everything my hands come across while I scream angry long chants.

I hate this. Why do we have to fight? We haven't fought for so many years that I simply don't know what do right know after fighting with Peeta.

I fall down on the floor, crying into my hands.

"Peeta..." I cry.

Why did we start this fight? I don't wanna fight. I feel so sick about this.

"Katniss?" I hear behind me.

I raise and turn around.

"What?!" I snap at Peeta.

He takes one step closer and I take one step back, not wanting him near me right now.

"No baby, I'm sorry", he says softly.

Peeta is red and puffy around his eyes.

"Where was this when I tried to comfort you?" I shout at him.

"Baby..." Peeta begins but I interrupt him.

"Don't you baby me right now!" I snap. "It's your fault we're fighting, Peeta!"

It starts flowing tears from his eyes again.

"I know Katniss, I'm sorry", he says. "I really am".

"I don't think that's going to help you right now Peeta", I whisper.

Peeta shakes his head in protest.

"Katniss no!" He says.

"What Peeta?" I ask confused.

"You ... You can't..." He says.

"Can't what exactly?" I ask confused.

"You can't ... Leave me", he says.

I frown. He thought I was going to leave him? Over one stupid fight? What is he crazy? We've been together for like thirty years and he think I'm going to leave him after one fight?

Just the thought of that make me even more angry than I already am, doesn't he know how much I love him?

"I'm not, but just leave Peeta", I say, turning around.

I hear the door to our compartment open and close. Peeta has left.

I sit down on the bed, crying.

Why? Why do we need to fight?

I see something sticking out of my handbag. A book ... No, an album.

I open it and see a photo of me and Peeta kissing.

"Peeta..." I whisper and suddenly I feel the urge to find him.

He can't have gone very far.

I get dressed really quick and then runs out of the room.

I run and runt until I see a man with ashy blonde and messed up hair.

"Peeta!" I shout and he turns around.

I run up to him, tackle him to the floor and press my lips against his.

"I love you Peeta Mellark", I whisper. "Lets never ever fight again".

"I agree", he whisper back. "And I love you too, Katniss Mellark".


Hey, I'm sorry about the fight if you don't like Peeta and Katniss fighting with each other.

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-Josephine xx

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