Chapter 12: The interview

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Chapter 12


I don't have my Mamas clothes to the interview but I have a copy of one of her dresses, it's a copy of one of my old once as well. Kylie has sewn my dress as a copy of the one I had in my first interview with Mama and Papa. And I have my hair the same as well.

At first I didn't really know why I have the dress that I have, but it hit me, they want to remind the Capitol of the first time they saw me, how happy they were and that remins them of the fact that they now will see me compete in the Hunger Games.

"Done!" Kylie says and I walk to my mirror. I gasp at the result, that is me, but it doesn't look like me at all, I never thought that I could look beautiful. But now thanks to Kylie a actually do.

My hair have been curled and positioned so it hangs down from one of the sides on my head and down on my right shoulder. My eyelids has been painted in flames and my long eyelashes makes it look like the flames are moving when I blink and my lips are red like roses. I'm wearing an orange dress that flows in waves when I walk and it looks like real flames, and on my feet I have black stlettio heels.

"Oh Kylie..." I start but she interrupts me.

"Don't thank me, it's my dad's design, he designed it for your mother before he died, you've seen her in this outfit before, and you had a same but a much smaller when you where four", she says. "I just made a copy of it".

I nod and hug her. Of course I remember when I had it when I was four, how could I forget? It was my very first interview, but of course I didn't have this makeup. And at that time, Mama was pregnant with Rye who is now twelve. Time passes so fast.

I walk with Kylie to meet Rye backstage, where all the other tributes are standing as well.

All the girls gives me a genuine smile when I walk past them, but I'm starting to wonder if it's a strategy from their part, I still smile back at them though, I would've felt bad if I didn't.

I look properly at Rye when I come up to him and is surprised at how grown up he looks even though he's only twelve.

Rye is wearing the same outfit that Papa used to have in the recent interviews, but Skyler has sewn him his own set of clothes; an ordinary orange shirt with black pants that has flames at the bottom and a belt with flame motive. His shoes are black and he has just an inch of natural makeup, to not look pale up on stage. And his hair is stirred in a mess and is held on place by hair gel.

"Rye ... Wow", I say and he chuckles.

"Yeah well, that's the least I can say about you", he says, I smile and take his hand.

Rye chuckles again and I hit him slightly on the arm to make him stop, we're after all about to go up on stage.

We're not only given three minutes like before, now we have up to six minutes.

We stand here backstage while Caesar greets a rather unenthusiastic audience welcome and than the tributes are welcomed up on stage.

We all walk up on stage. We take our seats and the audience starts to whisper when they see me and Rye.

The tributes walks up one by one and the long evening is filled with tears, exclamations, screams and laughter. Except for me, Rye and Caesar. Caesar looks almost depressed if I may say so myself. To be honest, no one in the audience looks particularly happy.

Eventually it's Ryes turn to walk up.

When he sits on the chair next to Caesar I'm so surprised that I almost fall off the chair. Rye doesn't look suspicious and unfriendly. He's not happy either though, he simply just looks natural. Oh my beloved little brother, I love you so much.

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