Chapter 1

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Light flashed as Neiko stumbled from a portal. Her office was just as she'd left it, with a wide oak desk and a rolling chair, and a tall lamp in the corner, but now a layer of dust coated it. Papers and bills lay strewn around in complete disarray due to a hectic three-sided life.

Three years. Three years of hard adventuring had passed, and what did she have to show for it? Dark circles under her eyes, frayed nerves, and zombie like appearance and gait. A twenty-one year old shouldn't be subject to such stress; it just wasn't right, but not every normal twenty-one-year-old was a Chosen One of both a hidden land and another universe.

She peeked out of her blind. Warriors were still stationed outside her house, keeping watch. The Seven Chieftains and Seven Tribes council had to keep her under guard at all times for her own safety against their enemies the Crackedskulls, the Cursed Tribe, and their monarchs.

"None of my friends are doing anything, so I guess can update my logbooks—there's nothing else to do right now." Neiko sighed as she slumped in her office chair behind her desk. She had a tendency to talk to herself while alone. "I seriously need a break—I would like to go to a movie or something besides being stuck here. At least the Tribes built me this house and removed dodging my parents from the equation." She grumbled as she plopped two composition books on the desk and ran her hands through her hair. "Now I don't have to explain lapses in time or why I was about past 2 a.m. or worry about them getting hurt. I wished I could visit the Five Lands and not worry about getting kidnapped there, too."

"I guess I'll start with Hawote business first. There's not much to update on here," Neiko said as she opened the book to a blank page. Hawote was the hidden land that coexisted with the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

October 19th , 2001

It's been three years since Francesco was kicked out of the Tribes, and Eagle Claw has taken over as Grand High Mohican, but there are still moles in our ranks. Who would have guessed there were more? I think Francesco was just the chief-mole. Raven is daily turning up the heat and Outsiders can get hurt. He's putting more battle pressure on the Seven Tribes. It won't be long before he does more home invasions and/or public attacks.

P.S. The chieftains, my friends, and my enemies are starting to ask a lot of questions about my unexplained disappearances and unaccounted and unexplained lapses of time. I am told not to say anything. There is too much at risk. My world would be destroyed or worse—consumed by an other-worldly evil that I don't even fully understand...

Neiko pressed the pencil's eraser against her lips. "I guess I'm done with that one. Now to catch up on the Five Lands," she said, closing the other logbook, tossing it aside, and opening up her top secret logbook on the Five Lands.

October 19th, 2001 Earth Time/The year of the Eagle Second Quarter of the Year: Waning Crescent of the Red Moon Their Time

The Attack Pack and I were successful in stopping Menes and his two dumb brothers from stealing the Tiger-eye of Luck from Mudara in the Great Plain in Qari. Ever since he has taken the throne as First Pharaoh, he has been trying to equip himself with powers and talismans stolen from others when he has unspeakable power at his fingertips. He has essentially become a petty thief. It's for everyone's benefit that he's such a dunce to not know what he has in his family. I know where the stuff is, but he doesn't know. The ancient city of his forefathers has almost everything he needs, and I found that on my first trip there which was 300,000 years ago their time. Raven has his Eye of Cygnus, and he'd never be able to get that. From what more I've heard about Osiris'(his father) past, I wouldn't believe he would let such an idiot come into the world and rule. My how the mighty clan has fallen! Osiris and the entire land calls Menes a disgrace and a laughingstock. When Menes leaves a threat, everybody laughs. If this is the future of the mighty clan that brought fear to the Five Lands years ago, everybody could retire early, but we must always remember the Dark Pharaoh...

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