Chapter 32

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A few minutes later, Nefertari found Sito and told him everything she had found out.

"So, it is true—he has threatened her with our well-being. I should have known—Neiko always puts others' needs ahead of her own, and she would do anything for our safety," said Sito.

"Yes, I know. Ramesses also has been very cold to me lately, and he pushes me away—I don't know why. I mentioned something about talking with him about this situation, and he got very angry and threatened me. Sito, this is getting dangerous, and someone will get hurt. Something must be done and quickly. Neiko is very weak and vulnerable, and he is on the verge of breaking her," Nefertari said.

Sito knew the answer to why Ramesses was being cold to Nefertari, but it was forbidden information. "You're right—something must be done. Neiko is hurting, and breaking her spirit is part of the idea so he can move in with his charms—he'll eventually cut off her lifelines to Hawote by cutting her off from us."

"Yes. I tried to comfort her, but he took her away. If she heals, then he must start all over again—we seem to be refueling her resistance. He will not let anyone else around for long, not even me. I'm beginning to wonder when he had the time to do such a thing. I don't think that bruise on his chin was caused by hitting himself with the door like he says. I believe Neiko hit him. He has a bruise on his shin too which he says he got when he tripped over a stool. He is not normally that clumsy," Nefertari said, setting her jaw and narrowing her eyes in suspicion.

"Hmm, I believe you're right. So there was a fight, and it seems he won. How on earth did he find time to pull it off, and no one knows about it? We've been inside the palace every day since he won't let anyone other than you out," mused Sito.

"Except for the day she tried to find the crystal..." Nefertari said then gasped cupped her hands over her mouth when she realized she may have stumbled on a clue. "Oh no!"

"That's it! It was a trap! He had this well planned out. But, he doesn't seem to know you told us where he had hid the crystal. I guess he assumed that she would be thinking he would have it in there," Sito realized Ramesses' own cleverness and pure dumb luck were the only things that saved Nefertari's skin at this point. "You are still in the clear," Sito said, wiping off his brow.

"Oh dear, I really want to give him a piece of my mind!" Nefertari said as she clenched her fists and stamped her feet in peevish rage.

"Nefertari, be careful," Sito warned, extending his finger. "You may need to say something to him for personal reasons, but you must try to protect Neiko—and us. Neiko is in great peril—don't endanger her with your anger," Sito said. "Your involvement may actually put us all at risk."

"I won't endanger anyone; it's a personal matter between him and I, and I am the only one who can safely speak out about such a despicable act. I'll take the blame of how the act was uncovered to save her if I must. Now I must find him," Nefertari said, gritting her teeth and fuming. She stamped off to find Ramesses.

Nefertari searched the usual places he would be: the garden, the dining hall, his room, but he wasn't there. She asked several of the guards for tip-offs in order to track them down. She finally found them walking in the main hall, and she stormed up to them while their backs were turned. They turned around, and Nefertari was breathing hard and glaring at Ramesses.

"Nefertari, I...," Ramesses began.

"Don't you Nefertari me, Ramesses!" Nefertari interrupted. "Did you not think I would find out about this? You will stop this now!"

Ramesses put on an innocent face and laughed. "I have no idea what you are talking about. Stop what? Why are you so upset?"

"You know exactly why I am upset. Don't play dumb with me; I am not that naïve. I know you are up to something! If you wish me to remind you about what you have done, I will!" she said through clenched teeth and narrowed eyes.

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