Chapter 21

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The Indians sat there at the dinner table for a while, and then Sito had an idea. "I know of something to spike up the evening. Be right back," he said. He returned with a whoopie cushion he had made. "We will find out where Francesco is sitting and embarrass the daylights out of him before the Pharaoh. Ramesses will think Francesco farted at the table which is not acceptable behavior here."

Everyone sniggered.

"Where is Francesco supposed to sit?" asked Mactalon to a servant.

"He will be sitting at the first seat next to the head on your side," replied the servant.

Sito inflated the cushion and put it in Francesco's seat. "Try not to laugh till he sits down," he said, and they started laughing.

Francesco entered the room, and they had to choke back laughter. They were still sniggering and wiping their eyes from their tears of hilarity as Francesco approached the table.

"What are you laughing about? I find nothing amusing about this formal dinner. So stop laughing and stand up till Pharaoh arrives," Francesco snapped.

They stood up, while biting their lips, trying not to sabotage the prank. Ramesses came into the room with Nefertari, and the two of them sat down first. Then everyone else sat down including Francesco.

Pfft! said the cushion, and he had a look of shock on his face along with Ramesses. All of the Indians burst out laughing. They laughed so hard they were crying. Mactalon toppled over backward in his chair, and then they started laughing at him.

Ramesses was not amused. In fact, he was furious and aggravated. He folded his arms over his chest and looked at them sternly.

"Francesco, I think you really blew it this time," punned Mactalon as he wiped the tears from his eyes. "Brings back memories, don't it? How do you like that old practical joke from back home—a real blast from the past!"

Francesco pulled out the cushion and threw it at Mactalon since he was the prankster of the group as he glared at all of them. "All right, who did it?" he asked vehemently; they all pointed at each other.

"Enough, all of you! This is supposed to be a civilized dinner, not a zoo! Start acting like you are adults and not children because I have some very important news to share with you later," replied Ramesses crossly.

Everyone stopped, sat down, and tried to hold his or her animosity until the dinner was over; the Indians and the Crackedskull gave each other daggers as they ate.

"I want to run through that little—grrr," Mactalon muttered to Sito as he ripped a leg off of his roasted pheasant.

Thirty minutes passed, and Ramesses set down his goblet of wine, wiped his hands, and cleared his throat since he and everyone had finished their dinner. "Now, I wish to tell you why you are all here and why this occasion is so very important. You have heard that I have chosen another to sit beside me, and I have called you here to tell you who she is."

Everyone looked at each other in surprise, and then returned their looks to Pharaoh.

"Well, who is it? Why do you have to tell us anyway?" asked Neiko, fanning her hands in frustration. "It's not like it's any of our business."

Ramesses smiled at her, chuckling. "It is you."

Neiko's mouth fell open along with the other four Indians'. Cold fear gripped her stomach and churned it; this was not good, and it was everyone's worst fear. "I...I can't! I have a war to win, and I am no good to you. I'm not who you think I am. Will you please do me a favor and let me go? I promise I won't cause you anymore problems. I'll take everyone else with me, and we'll be gone. Please? I'm thankful of you taking care of us, but will you show me the door?" she rambled in her own shock.

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