Chapter 27

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The next morning, Neiko stayed in her room most of the day. Then she made her way into the garden, climbed a fig tree, looked at the scenery beyond the wall, and thought of Monchiska. Francesco came outside to do his work.

Ramesses came out looking for her. "Where is Neiko?" he asked.

"I haven't seen her all day," Francesco replied.

"I can't find her. She is neither in her room nor in the palace. So where could she be?" asked Ramesses with his hands on his hips with his eyes scanning the garden.

"I wouldn't know. She is so unpredictable that she could be anywhere. I wouldn't be surprised if she is hiding from you," Francesco said and then walked under the tree she was in to begin writing. Suddenly a green fig hit him in the top of the head.

"Oww! What the—" Francesco growled and looked up as he rubbed his head and saw her near the top.

"Get outa here, Crackedskull. I don't want you near me," Neiko snapped irritably.

"Aha! So that's where you are. There is someone who wants to see you," Francesco said in a crafty manner.

"Who cares?" Neiko asked, sullen, as she grabbed another fig, threw it, and hit him in the nose.

Ramesses walked beneath the tree and looked up at her. "Come down here this instant! I want you to start acting like a queen! Climbing trees is not acceptable behavior of a queen of Egypt!" Ramesses snapped, shaking his fists.

Neiko folded her arms in defiance. "So? I want to spend time alone! The only way you'll leave me in peace is for me to be up here! Will you go away? I may be a queen, but I am still a warrior. I am an Indian, not an Egyptian. I do what Indian warriors do, and we climb trees all the time. I don't care what Egyptians do and don't do. You're just jealous because you can't climb trees. It's not my fault you didn't learn how to climb trees—you're the only guy I've ever met that can't climb a tree."

"Come down right now, or I'll—" Ramesses shouted shaking and clenching his fists

"You'll what? What are you gonna do—climb up here and get me? C'mon up here, big boy—I dare ya!" Neiko retorted, beckoning him with her fingers in challenge. "I'm not coming down; you're not coming up, so go away and leave me in peace," she said as she turned around and looked out at the sky.

"You can't stay up there forever! You must come down sometime! When you do, I'll be waiting!" Ramesses shouted.

Neiko ignored him and said nothing.

Ramesses stamped back inside exasperated.

* * *

Several weeks passed and the power struggle between Neiko and Ramesses was in full gridlock. She constantly dodged him whenever possible. She tried to think of ways to make him hate her or become angry enough to get rid of her, in spite of the cautions that Sito and others had given her. She stayed in the tree whenever she could or kept herself busy by entertaining guests who came in and left him out on purpose. She would flirt with other young men while she ignored him. She also took in a few animals and spent time with them and her friends—whenever they weren't working. Other times, she bathed herself three to five times a day to avoid her husband.

The only time she was anywhere near him was when Nefertari was present or one of her friends. Whenever he tried to show affection, she pushed him away, rebuffed him, and ran away. She would not allow him to touch her, but it was not to say he didn't try. The entire time they lived together they never kissed. He tried, but she would always refuse him. She would lock herself in her room if she didn't want to deal with him, or if he was intolerable.

Locks were not supposed to exist in this time, but that was one of the few things Ramesses had Sito implement to his palace for better security. Nowhere else in the country had locks.

In Ramesses' anger and frustration, he retaliated by forbidding the men and guests to see her because of his intense jealousy and bitter rage; he was going to show her who was in charge. He also got rid of her animals. He was not fooled. He knew what she was doing; she was desperately trying to fight his charms. The entire thing was a contest of wills. He was going to get the upper hand, even if he had to do something nasty to put her in line. And, she was also aware of her vulnerability. Because her friends were involved, he may get rid of them sooner rather than later. They meant no more to him than the animals Neiko had tried to keep. Yet, he was feeling both stress and hurt by Neiko's defiance.

* * *

One day, Ramesses summoned Imenhotep and Francesco. "I have to find a way to stop this, so I can make her submit," he said, rubbing his forehead and trying to ease his frustration. "Where is she now?"

"She locked herself in her room again," Francesco replied.

"What has she been doing? And what have you tried?" asked Imenhotep.

"I try to get close to her, and she pushes me away. She ignores me and treats me with contempt. I want it to stop. I have to find a way to make her submit to me, but how? I am nearly through with being kind—I'll use brutal force if I must," Ramesses vowed.

"You must find a large weakness and exploit it with hard force—that's the only way. I don't know what it is, but I think you will find it," Francesco said. "She's not going to give you any choice."

"How much progress have you had since the first meeting?" asked Imenhotep.

"None. She will not allow me to lay a finger on her. I want to take her into my arms and kiss her, but she always runs away," Ramesses said sadly with intense longing.

"I have a solution to that. Just sneak up on her, grab her, and kiss her with all of your desire and affection. Make her head spin when you get done. Or, if she is no so approachable, then start trapping her in a room with you alone. You need to spend time with her," Francesco said in encouragement.

Ramesses smiled at Francesco's counsel. "Now, Imenhotep, I will show you what I have to work through. Come, let me handle this," he whispered, as they walked to her door. He pounded on the door with his fist. "Open this door!" he bellowed.

"Is that you, Ramesses? Did you say something? I can't hear you with all of this racket!" Neiko called back and banged on the furniture trying to create loud noise.

"You heard me—open this door now!" Ramesses thundered.

"I can't hear you, speak louder!" Neiko retorted.

"Open it!" Ramesses commanded.

"I'm not listening to you, so go away!" Neiko said defiantly.

"Open it, or I'll break it down!" Ramesses shouted, irate.

"I'm not listening to you—yadda, yadda—go away, Frightful One," Neiko sang as he continued to shout. She sang the impudent song louder and louder until he gave up, and they walked away.

"You see? That is the least of her bullheadedness," Ramesses said with a vicious frown and his chest heaving.

Imenhotep shook his head. "You have your work cut out for you, but I know you won't stop. Good luck. I will visit later," he said and then left.

Ramesses and Francesco had a private lunch, discussing what to do about the defiant, wayward queen.

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