Chapter 19

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"I need to talk to you," Francesco said as Ramesses sat down and rubbed his eyes. He had followed him into the vacant throneroom.

"I wish neither to talk nor counsel. Leave me," Ramesses said as he rubbed his eyes in frustration as he sat on his throne. When the court was empty, he came here to think.

"It's about Neiko," piped up Francesco

Ramesses perked up. "What about her?" he asked with a flat tone.

Francesco smiled. "I know you are in love with Neiko; I also know she is 'the one'. I wanted to tell you that I figured it all out and about some things she said earlier this afternoon."

Ramesses looked at him mystified. "How did you figure all this out? How do you know that she is the one? You must say nothing about this! This is a secret I have harbored a long time. Not even Nefertari knows about this!" he reminded with secretive motions.

Francesco bowed. "Agreed. Figuring it out was simple. I am very good at analyzing situations and people. I can see how much you care. Neiko has no idea you are in love with her, and she certainly don't know about the other thing and what awaits her—including becoming your Great Wife—not just your wife."

"How would you know?" asked Ramesses with cynical expression and a snort.

"I know her very well, and I spoke with her earlier today," Francesco said, and he told him everything that was said that afternoon.

"Is that so—she thinks it is someone else entirely? And did she say that about her being the last I would choose for my Great Wife and that she will not have anything to do with me?" Ramesses asked.

"That's right, and she will be in for a big surprise. She will be in shock at first and will fight you—that I can guarantee a hundred percent. You have to show her who's boss. I believe you will be able to handle her if you are going to invest in it for the long haul. She will be totally yours if you can ever get her to cave in, and that's the hard part since she is wild, iron willed, and will not be caged. The key is finding a weakness and hitting it hard, and at the same time showing her that there is no escape."

"Hmmm, she is like a diamond, but all have a weakness, and when it is struck it shatters," Ramesses mused. "I already know about the other—I have been long prepared."

Francesco smiled. "Precisely. You find the weak spot, and she will shatter into your hands—that is the key in winning her. Although, I do know this—it will be easy for her to agree to marry you, but the rest will be very hard. To what extent do you want her to commit herself to you?"

"Fully—in mind, body, heart, and spirit. The wedding is only the beginning—as you already know," said Ramesses. "I want a real, worthwhile relationship with her; she is not merely a one night fling—never was. As you said, I am investing in it for the long haul."

Francesco winced. "You have your work cut out for you, but I know you can do it. However whatever preparations you have may go out the window. You can't prepare for Neiko."

"I will not stop until I win her completely. You seem so uncaring to what befalls her or her friends," said Ramesses offhandedly. "You are wrong about me not being able to prepare for her resistance properly—it is merely a game of strategy that I excel at. How do you think I win battle after battle? This is merely a battle without weapons that I will win. I won't back down; I won't be defeated. I will break through her defenses, and how ever long it takes is no consequence to me; she won't be going anywhere any time soon—I'll make certain of that. I will conquer her and take all, and she will be mine for all eternity."

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