Chapter 16

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Tito and the others walked down the streets of Thebes on their way to Pharaoh's palace to make an appeal for their stay there. Out of nowhere Francesco appeared a few feet away. "Where do you think you're going?" asked Mactalon in English. They only spoke Egyptian to the Egyptians. "Where did you come from all of a sudden? We've been looking for you!"

Francesco looked at them coldly with his blue eyes glittering in a shrewd smile. He didn't respond to Mactalon's questions. "I'm on my way to the palace. Where's Neiko? Oh yeah, yesterday was the day, wasn't it?"

Tito smiled cannily. "Yep, her time ran out. We're on our way to the palace, too."

Francesco's face darkened with disgust. "Oh no! Why did I have to bump into you—today of any day of the week?"

"We can travel as a group, I suppose," said Panthero.

"Very well, but I'll fix you and your twin brother with your little friends. Neiko is already taken care of," threatened Francesco.

"Oh yeah? We'll fix you first!" Tito retorted as he thrust his finger at him and poked his shoulder.

The group then remained silent until they reached the palace, but Francesco shot daggers at his companions, and they shot some at him. They sighed and went in, ready for what was to come. Things didn't look good for any of them, Francesco included. They remembered Ramesses didn't like any of them. Ramesses was sitting on his throne speaking with several advisors and Imenhotep, the high priest.

In the middle of his conversation with Imenhotep, Ramesses saw the four of them coming, and he became extremely exasperated as he squirmed in his throne as though someone had put fire ants in his kilt. "What do you want?" he asked moodily.

"We have come to make an offer," said Tito.

"For what?" Ramesses asked.

"We..." Mactalon started to say, but Tito elbowed him the ribs.

"Let me do the talking," Tito cut in.

"Tito!" Sito exclaimed, interrupting the conversation and dashing out of a hallway with Neiko on his heels. The twins hugged each other tightly, and Mactalon, Panthero, and Neiko joined in to one large group hug.

"At last we are together again, brother!" said Sito.

"Yes, and we are the five-some again! It has been eleven years!" Tito cried.

While the Indians were enjoying their reunion, Francesco stood away, looking at them mockingly.

Ramesses studied the occurrence carefully.

Nefertari walked in and saw the five embracing each other; she looked at them shocked.

"Ramesses, let me introduce everyone," said Sito. "This is Mactalon and Panthero, who are my friends, and here is my twin brother Tito, and, of course, Neiko. This is Francesco, a Crackedskull."

"I have met them already. A Crackedskull you say? Ah yes—Crackedskulls—I recall you are enemies from what I have heard," Ramesses said with a knowledgeable nod.

"We are Indians as I mentioned to you before a long time ago. Neiko, Tito, and I are Desert Storm Falcons, Mactalon is a Scraah Wareagle, and Panthero is Chang Battlehawk. We are members of the Seven Tribes allegiance of Hawote," Sito stated.

"I have heard you speak of your Seven Tribes already. Who is your king? I know Raven is the king of the Crackedskulls, but what about the Indians?" asked Ramesses as he pointed at the other Indians.

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