Chapter 15

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 On the first day of the week they discovered Sito was at the palace, yet they could not risk going in or Neiko would be called prematurely. They then made preparations to leave town if possible.

However, on the second day they discovered that Pharaoh's army had closed off all exits of the city and checked everyone coming in and going out. It was apparent that Pharaoh did not trust the Indians at all. That evening, news spread that a royal decree was made that if the Indians were caught leaving the city they were to be arrested on sight and charged with treason. Neiko, in contrast, was to be brought to Pharaoh immediately following their capture. What happened to the rest of them was anyone's guess; it was either hard labor or death for each.

To make matters worse, on the third day, Kenes came back into town with a mob. He found out that the Indians were at Senu's house. He immediately went to Senu's house. He threatened to sue Senu and press charges against him for theft of property if Senu didn't return all four slaves back to him; he mostly wanted Neiko, but he asked for the others for spite and to get his revenge on them.

The two rivals began arguing, until Senu broke the news to Kenes that Pharaoh had a claim on Neiko and was coming for her in four days. Things were now out of Senu's control, and he certainly wasn't going to give her friends to Kenes so that he could kill or mistreat them for ruining his chances at having a rare, trophy wife.

On the fourth day, several of Senu's friends from the court brought news that Kenes was trying to buy Neiko from Pharaoh. Kenes presented him lavish gifts and made extravagant offers to entice him to sell Neiko and remove his claim. Senu's friends talked about how Kenes' even went as far to offer Pharaoh gold mined from the ancient mines of the kings of the Old Kingdom as a last desperate attempt to succeed. Others said the offers he made would make a tax collector blush and maybe even make Khufu jealous. The surprising thing was that Pharaoh refused all of Kenes' offers and sent him on his way back to Memphis.

Kenes didn't take this very well and was distraught from his terrible loss. Not even he was gutsy enough to challenge Pharaoh head-on. This occurrence was the talk of the city, and it just struck home how serious this situation was for the Indians. For many of the court, what had taken place surprised even them; Neiko had to be truly special for Pharaoh to refuse to accept such offers and gifts for the sake of a woman. Neiko was told about the event, but it only added to her anxiety. She was really in this over her head.

The remaining days passed surprisingly fast, but they had not found Francesco. They didn't leave the house after the third day for fear of being assaulted by either Kenes' or Pharaoh's men. The dreaded date came. The Indians were perplexed that Francesco just seemed to disappear in society and that their luck had unraveled in such a short time.

Neiko put on her new clothes. She paced the floors in great anxiety and watched the sun as it moved in the sky. Evening came, the sun began to set in the horizon, and she became very nervous. "I can't do this," Neiko groaned as she fidgeted.

Then there was a knock at the door, and everyone jumped.

Senu opened the door, and a messenger was there. "May I help you?"

"Pharaoh has come for the warrior, and he awaits," the messenger replied.

Senu saw Ramesses walking to the house with an armed escort a few feet behind the messenger. Following him were other servants bringing in gifts for Senu. "All right, I will notify her," he said, but the Indians were already there and crowded behind him.

Neiko saw Ramesses advancing as she peeked from a crack between Senu and Tito, and she hid behind Tito.

"I can't do this, Tito! Don't let him get me, please! I'm scared!" Neiko fretted, grasping his arm so tightly that it cut off the circulation.

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