Chapter 38

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The four of them caused Ramesses many headaches, but they tried to avoid going toe to toe with him. They sent him scrolls with the notorious demand along with a broken arrow, which was a threat. Other threats, including: dead asps, dead scorpions, dead frogs, and crocodile teeth, were left at the palace. Other letters with more threats, including other Indian-type threats and the hieroglyphs that spelled war were left at his home. Spears were dug in the walls with seven feathers on them. Many fires and catastrophes happened. Flaming symbols of the present three tribes were lit in the fields. On the walls of the city was painted, PHARAOH, LET NEIKO GO.

Another letter was sent to him, and when Francesco had finished reading it, it was enclosed with the war hieroglyphs written with camel's blood.

Ramesses threw it down and stomped it. "Argh! I want those four destroyed! If it's a war they want, then it's a war they will get!" he shouted as he shook his royal crook and flail violently in a tantrum.

Several groups of soldiers were sent out to kill them over the course of the standoff. Several days had passed and none of them had returned with any news—or better yet—their heads. The four had spared one of the officers from one of the patrols they had taken out, and Sito menaced him with the blade. "You go back and you tell Pharaoh we will continue our sworn duty, that is to free and protect Neiko, and we will use every means necessary and everything in our power to fight him."

"Bold words, but I would like to see Pharaoh make you eat them by ramming them down your throat," the general retorted.

Sito laughed, as he prodded him with the point.

"Get going," menaced Mactalon as he gave Panthero five.

* * *

Itet, the general, returned and told Ramesses what had happened and the message sent by Sito. Ramesses responded by throwing his royal crook on the ground. "They must be stopped! I will send out the entire army if I have to!"

"You can get this over with a lot sooner by letting me go and allowing me to take the crystal with me," Neiko said, toying with the crook by spinning like a baton and then making it fly like an imaginary airplane as she made the accompanying noises while she waited for his response. She picked it up off the floor during his tirade.

Ramesses sat down beside her. "You won't be going anywhere, my warrior, and neither will you be taking that crystal," he said, reaching and rubbing her thigh.

Neiko smacked his hand with the crook with a loud pop. He drew back, rubbed his injured hand, and looked at her with a frustrated glare.

"Paws off. You had that coming and deserved it for being such a jerk," Neiko said with sass.

Ramesses took the crook away from her and glowered at her, but said nothing.

* * *

Later that night, Panthero had an idea on how to free Neiko. "We could use some of the uniforms off of those soldiers we killed, and we can sneak into the palace and sneak her out. We have to take weapons, just in case."

Sito scratched his chin. "Hmm, that sounds like a good idea, and it may just work. We have to move carefully though."

They put on the uniforms, made their way to the palace, and made it inside. They posed as guards on duty when other soldiers and guards approached them.

"We have to wait until Ramesses goes to sleep in order to sneak her out. If he sees us, we're dead meat. Panthero and I will go search his room and see if you can find the crystal. Shh," said Sito as he placed his finger over his lips, and Ramesses and Nefertari walked past them, but there was no sign of Neiko.

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