Chapter 35

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Neiko had to spend the rest of that day with Ramesses, and she was in extreme thought. She was fidgeting and avoided to looking him in the eye.

"Is something troubling you?" Ramesses asked.

"Um, no. Why?" Neiko replied, biting her lip.

"You seem lost in thought and something weighs heavy in your mind. I was wondering if something was the matter," Ramesses said, concerned.

Neiko laughed. "Well,, it's kinda like this. It's just I'm stressed out, that's all—all these changes. I got a lot on my mind," she said, not alluding about the visions.

"I do not believe that is all. You seem to be hiding something from me. Why?" Ramesses asked, crossing his arms and looking at her with a grilling stare.

"I don't know what you mean. You wouldn't understand anyway," Neiko said with a flat expression and rolling her eyes.

"Try me," Ramesses said, tapping his foot and tapping his finger on his strong forearm.

"No! It's private—okay!" Neiko said, trying to be evasive.

"You shouldn't be keeping things from me. It makes me not trust you. We should be able to trust each other, shouldn't we?" Ramesses asked with his arms still folded and questioning her with his dark brown eyes.

Neiko rolled her eyes again. "Would you stop it already? I don't wanna talk about it!" she said.

"Very well—suit yourself," Ramesses said with a shrug. "Well, you are free to leave."

"Really? Great!" Neiko said and turned to leave.

Ramesses stopped her. "Not so fast," he said, and then he tried to kiss her, but she turned and ran away. In his annoyance he watched her disappear with a scowl on his face, and in his fury, he slammed his fist on the table.

From afar inside the palace Sito and the others saw this. "Oh boy, this is not good. He won't accept too much more of that!" Tito said.

"I agree. I bet he'll tie her down next time. Oh, I have a meeting with her tonight, and the rest of you can join us," said Sito.

"What is it?" asked Mactalon.

"Neiko has something to share with us, and it is important. We will meet in her room when old Attila is asleep," Sito replied.

* * *

Late that night, the five of them met in Neiko's room, and she told them about her visions.

Sito mused and twisted his long hair around his finger. "Hmm, a lot of it is very obvious, of course. Great Spirit gave me the answers to your questions. The god with the head of an ibis is Thoth, the Egyptian god of history. When he erases the wall and puts new writing that is the changing of the past and history. The sundial is showing the passing of time. When it moves backward, it is where we are now, and when it moves forward that is the future. In the first part, Monchiska represents us, and Anubis represents death. When Amon-Ra and Osiris throw you to Ramesses that is showing your present state. We will defeat death and Ramesses and return to Hawote—maybe. The happiness and security scenes are when you are in safety. The rest is in the future, and I can't make that out. The future isn't set and could change on a dime. We aren't guaranteed anything."

"I can sort of make the other out," said Neiko. "It is showing what may happen if Ramesses comes back to life in the future—if that's even possible. But, I don't get a lot of it. How could he possibly be resurrected, and how could he possess magic? No one can do that—it's impossible. I don't think he could ever join forces with Ramses because I could see they would hate each other. I don't think Ramesses would be that desperate or that dumb! Ramesses may be a conceited jerk, but I can say for a fact that he's not evil. I don't think Ramesses would side with the greatest evil that ever lived," Neiko said, shaking her head doubtfully. "I dunno, all I need to focus on now is my present situation and getting outa here."

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