Chapter 25

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That night they played poker and talked till they went to bed. Morning came, and the Indians began their hard labor.

Ramesses took Nefertari and Neiko to a chariot race he was contending in. He boasted of his chariot being the fastest in all of Egypt; he did this to impress Neiko. Neiko wasn't impressed by his arrogant display, but his racing chariot did catch her attention and gave her an idea. Neiko watched the race with her head propped on her hands. His chariot was fast; he won the race. She formulated a plan as they returned home.

When they got home, the other four Indians were lying on their backs, panting from their hard day's work. Neiko wanted to talk to her friends, but Ramesses forced her to go into the garden with him and made her spend the rest of the evening with him until bed.

Later that night, she sneaked into the garden, made herself a long staff, hid it in the bushes, and covered it with the discarded branches. Then she returned to bed.

Several days passed, and it was five days until the day of the marriage ceremony and feast. Neiko was ready for Ramesses' next chariot race.

It was an hour until they were supposed to leave, but the chariot was ready. She sprang into action. She ran out into the garden and retrieved her long staff. Then she sneaked past the guards to the awaiting racing chariot. Only one guard was watching it. She snuck up to him.

"Knock, knock," she said and punched him in the face. She jumped into the chariot, grabbed the reins, and set down her staff. "How hard can it be? It's a cross between riding a horse, driving a car, and riding a scooter. It's like a dogsled on wheels."

The guard she punched came at her ready to stop her, but she snapped the reins, and the horses started to run and almost ran him over. He started yelling to the others. More guards tried to stop her or cut her off, but she escaped by trying to run them over. They scattered like cockroaches when the kitchen light is turned on.

The guards' commotion got Ramesses' attention. He ran out the door, and all he could see was dust and her disappearing form.

"See ya, suckers!" Neiko called back.

"Don't just stand there! After her! Bring her back to me! I want her unharmed!" Ramesses commanded.

Soldiers and guards got on their horses and chariots and went after her. Messengers were sent to rustle up the army at the closest barracks.

Neiko was riding through the streets at a trot. People stopped to leer at the runaway future queen on her stolen ride while a platoon of soldiers tried to block the chariot's path. They were unaware that she was an escapee. Seeing her at the reins as she approached startled them.

"Stop her—Pharaoh commands!" called someone behind her to the soldiers in front of her.

Wasting no time, she snapped the reins and almost ran them over as they scattered. The horsemen and charioteers split up to trap her. She wove through the streets, trying to shake her pursuers. She stayed well ahead of them, but then one horseman came in front of her to block her path.

Neiko bent down, got her long staff, and rested it in the front; it served as a lance. They charged toward each other, but before he could reach her, her staff caught him in the ribs. He flipped off his horse and landed onto the sand of the street.

Soon, she heard the rumble of many more chariots behind her; she looked back and saw hundreds. She gulped and kept on going, but suddenly a two-man chariot came out of the street and rode to her to intercept her.

"You wanna play chicken?" Neiko challenged and made the horses go faster. As she sped toward them, the driver jerked the reins to avoid a collision when she came dangerously close. The chariot turned over and sent the driver and his partner on a spill.

Neiko sped past them, laughing. She saw two chariots blocking her further ahead, and she made a hard left turn. But then there were two more blocking that street. She made another turn; the result was the same. She made another turn into a wide street, but there sat more chariots and horsemen completely closing off the street. All the chariots closed in and had her blocked in on all sides.

Neiko grabbed her staff, jumped off, and looked around, but she was trapped. "Oh crap!" she said in bitter defeat. She knew it was pointless to fight because there were ten armed men approaching her and many more to take their place if she took them out. She threw her staff down in disgust.

Two men seized her and tied her hands together in front of her, and the commanding officer walked up to her with a victorious swagger.

"Pharaoh is very displeased with this little stunt of yours, and he will punish you severely, I'm sure. Let's go—he's waiting," said the commander haughtily.

* * *

Neiko was brought back to the palace, and Ramesses was waiting outside in the front of the palace impatiently with his arms crossed as he paced. Two men escorted her to him behind the officer in charge, and the officer told him everything that was reported to him about her escapade. When he had finished, Ramesses glowered at her, and she gulped, knowing she was in deep trouble. They cut the rope binding her hands and shoved her to her wrathful husband.

He grabbed her and pulled her inside. When they were inside, he pinned her against the wall. "I hope you realize that you cannot run away from me. I am pleased you were not hurt, but this will not go unpunished."

"Aww, you're just mad because I swiped your chariot and got it dusty!" Neiko retorted.

Ramesses responded by tightening his grip till it hurt, and she gritted her teeth. "You are so wrong about so many things. You have much to learn about me."

"She did this to prevent marriage and the ceremony," Francesco said, coming up from behind.

"Is that so? Well, in that case I will change the day from five days away to two! I would like it to be final sooner myself. Francesco, go to Imenhotep and tell him I wish to see him tonight! Hurry," said Ramesses, waving his hand authoritatively.

"Yes, my king," Francesco said and left.

"Now, my warrior, you and I have unresolved issues to discuss, and they will not wait any longer. Let's go somewhere private," Ramesses said, dragging her off.

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