Chapter 23

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Neiko ran out into the garden to meet with her friends; they were outside waiting. "What's up?" asked Mactalon.

"Did y'all have any luck?" Neiko asked as she crossed her fingers.

"None. It seems he keeps it with him or hidden somewhere, so we have to corner him on a later date. Speaking of which, how was it?" asked Mactalon.

Neiko slapped her forehead and moaned in despair. "Dreadful. On the next date, I should take a dagger or something."

Sito chuckled. "Why is that?"

"He wouldn't keep his hands off of me! He tried to kiss me on the mouth—eww!" Neiko said, shuddering. "We've just met for cryin' out loud! He said he wants to meet again in three days. I hope he got the message that I ain't interested!"

Sito shook his head. "Don't count on it. I believe you have met your match. He will not give up until he has won you. I can say this—his persistence and stubbornness is equal to yours, but he has an edge—his commanding and demanding spirit and his high self-esteem will crush that iron will of yours, if he can weaken you. He thinks he'll conquer you and win you completely."

"Oh yeah? I'll show him! I won't let him get his way because I'll fight him with everything I have. He'll wish he never met me!" Neiko trumpeted, poking out her chest like she was a Siamese fighting fish. "You know, I'm not a country—I'm not a thing! I'm not something that is owned or conquered! You own a car or a camel—I am a person!"

Sito shurgged. "Neiko, that's exactly what he wants you to do—the conquering works the same way. He already has you where he wants you. You think this date was bad? You just wait because he is just getting warmed up. He went easy on you," warned Sito.

"What? You call that going easy on me?" she asked with her features. "Sito, I know what I'm doing. I know how to deal with conceited men. I've fared just fine against narcissistic Georgian guys—they're all the same. He'll give up in a month!" Neiko said with absolute certainty.

"Neiko, he isn't like them! You are totally unprepared, and you have no idea what you're up against—by the way, he's not narcissistic—he may be borderline at the most. He has very potent charms that he can use on you that can weaken you. It's just he doesn't get to use them that often—he usually doesn't have to because his money, power, and good-looks are usually enough for most women. You, in contrast, are a different story altogether. Others tell me his charms also have a keen edge you can't see. Prepare to face your ultimate challenge in strategic combat in the arena of love," Sito warned.

"Oh, Sito, come on! I can't stand Ramesses! His charms won't work on me! He'll have better luck charming a cobra!" Neiko snorted sarcastically. "I hope he tries to kiss it, and I hope it bites him!"

"That doesn't matter. He has a challenge for himself, and he loves a challenge. He views just about everything as a contest or a battle. Not only that, he sees the reward ahead of him and desires that prize very much—you have no idea how much—and nothing will stop him. He may have a long way to go, but don't count on him giving up. To Ramesses nothing is impossible, and he will not accept defeat when he finds something he really wants. 'No' is not acceptable and won't end at that," Sito replied. "What's more is that he's really going to enjoy the pursuit. Conquest will only be that much sweeter when he wins the war and that'll make the relationship that much more enjoyable. Guys like him like women who resist them at first the most."

Neiko rolled her eyes and tossed her head. Her long black locks whipped around her head and her hair beads clinked together and on her crown. "Well, I have news for him; he better get used to hearing the word 'no' since that's all he's gonna hear from me!" Neiko declared. "There goes that country thing again..."

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