Chapter 9

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Neiko rode through the streets of Thebes that night, searching frantically for her friends. She had eluded several groups of soldiers who tried to catch her and hid in the crevices to avoid others who were searching for her. It didn't seem to take very long for the man to sic the entire Egyptian army on her. Neiko instantly guessed he must have quick access to the military.

She asked several civilians about Senu. She had to say "Senu" and sign or draw "house" and try to sign or depict "the way". She was able to get a few people to draw sketches in the sand for her to follow. It took a bit of work, but she was able to somewhat communicate. Finally, she came to the place she believed to be the house from what her friends and the villagers said. She knocked on the door and prayed that it wouldn't be the man she had met earlier that afternoon or she would be in a fix for sure. A rich man came to the door. "May I help you?" he asked as he looked at her.

"Senu?" Neiko asked and held her breath in anticipation.

The man nodded. "I am he," he replied. Senu was a young man, about the same age as Kenes, but a little taller. His kind eyes studied her. "Do come in," he said, pulling her inside. He led her into the dining hall where her friends were seated and eating.

"Neiko! Thank goodness you made it! We thought we had lost you or Kenes got you!" Tito exclaimed as he ran up and hugged her with the others on his heels.

"What happened?" asked Mactalon.

"Oh man. I spanked Kenes and his men good, and I gave Kenes a sting he won't forget and a good road rash. I doubt he'll try to make money off us again or think twice about making me his personal slave. And then this other rich guy tried to get me, and he looked at me funny like he got shot by Cupid or something—almost a love at first sight kind of thing," Neiko said, remembering the man and his actions distinctly.

"What guy? And what do you mean he looked at you funny or knew you?" asked Mactalon, alarmed.

"This guy was an Egyptian version of Bill Gates or something. He wore gold like it was a common item. And—I dunno, his eyes sparkled, and he smiled at me with that kind of smile—you know. It was weird—he looked at me like Bloodhawk does," said Neiko.

Tito gasped. "That's not good. He liked you, Neiko—I mean, like for a wife—not just a slave. I bet you would make a unique one."

"He already had a wife, I think," Neiko said, rubbing her head. "But anyway, I just think he liked my fighting skill. That's all."

"It doesn't matter. Egyptians can have as many wives as they want, especially ones that rich. The least little thing can set off a man's affection—you know that—I bet it has happened a lot in Georgia, too. I'd wager he was overwhelmed by your beauty even if it is hidden in all of that tough war paint," Tito said, poking her strong arm.

"You're right, you're right. You know what? He had soldiers working for him, and he had all these people with him who were bald in funky robes—it was like some parade," Neiko said.

"Hmm, those bald men were priests—and soldiers? The more you say, the more I don't like. Were they like bodyguards?" asked Tito.

"Yeah, but that guy could have been parading because he just got hitched," Neiko suggested.

"Well, he may just be an army man—like a general. But with priests too? Neiko, did you get a good look at him, and could you identify him if you saw him again?" asked Tito.

"Yeah," Neiko said and shrugged.

"Okay, did you happen to see if he had a cobra on his headdress?" asked Tito curling his forefinger and putting it on his forehead then paused. "Or a strange looking beard?" he asked again depicting the beard.

"Nope, I don't remember seeing them," Neiko shrugged. Unfortunately for her in her panic, she didn't see them during their encounter and those were fine details that her mind didn't think were important compared to escape.

Everyone sighed with relief.

"Good. If he did have a cobra and the beard, then that would have been Pharaoh. The last thing we need is you catching the favor and getting hitched with the pharaoh. So you are okay now because he can't get to you, and he'll give up soon," Tito added.

"I'm not so sure about that because he sent soldiers after me, and I dodged several groups on the way here and trying to find this place. They are patrolling the streets and may even do a door-to-door search," Neiko fretted.

"Neiko, don't worry. Senu will help us out. When he can't find you, you'll be old news," Tito concluded.

"What?" asked Senu since he heard his name mentioned.

Tito told him everything that Neiko had told him, why they were in Thebes, and about their escape from Kenes.

Tito and Senu talked for a few more minutes and then Tito walked up and offered some news to the others. "Senu says he will protect us as much as he can, and he will do his best to keep Neiko safe, but we must pose as servants and he'll supply servants' clothing. He said he will also try to help find my brother. Sito used to work for Seti in his court, but he hasn't seen him since. Senu knows quite a bit since he serves in Pharaoh's court as a courtier and as a lord. It's possible Ramesses could have sold him elsewhere, so it's evident Pharaoh knows of our kind. We arrived when Ramesses was young, and I'm not sure how he will take us."

"If push comes to shove, we may have to ask him where Sito is," said Neiko cringing.

"No, you will not address Pharaoh because I won't take any chances. He may make a request for you, and all he has to do is say one word. Then you will belong to him, and we will have to find a way to get you out of trouble. And most of the time, women do not make requests," cautioned Tito. "No offense."

Neiko nodded silently. "Good point. I don't really want to meet him either. But I would like to see the look on his face when I show up and ask him where Sito is," Neiko said, smiling.

Mactalon giggled. "I can imagine, but that is the last thing I want to do. If he is still there, I don't think he would have a problem handing him over, but if Neiko tagged along, he may ask for her in exchange. She'd be stuck there, and he'd have a problem about letting her leave. I told you that pretty face would get you in trouble, Neiko."

"Yeah. What will we do when we find him, and what if we can't find our way back to Hawote?" asked Panthero.

"I don't know, I guess move to another country--maybe to the Serengeti. What do you think?" asked Mactalon.

"Cool! I always wanted to go there, and I wonder what it's like in this time," mused Neiko.

"Maybe. We'll have to worry about cannibals and headhunters, but it's safer there than it is here," said Tito.

The friends talked that night about their plans for the future. Senu gave them their servants' raiment, and they went to sleep.    

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