Chapter 36

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The next day, everyone went to Senu's house because he was hosting another party. When they arrived, Senu greeted them all. The only reason why Neiko's friends were there was because they were on work detail as attendants and servants. "Tito, it has been four months since I have seen all of you, and you are Sito, I presume," he said.

"I am. So nice to meet the man who helped my brother and friends," Sito replied.

"I am pleased to see you too, Mactalon and Panthero. Neiko, I am also pleased to make your acquaintance," he said, bowing to her and then acknowledging Ramesses. "Greetings, Great One. I hope you still do not bear me ill will."

"Of course not, I will let bygones be bygones," Ramesses replied, nodding his head.

"I am pleased you came as well, my queen," Senu said, bowing to Nefertari, and she grinned. "Go and make yourselves at home."

"I'm right behind you guys!" Neiko said, starting to run after them, but Ramesses stopped her.

"You will stay with me this evening where you belong and not gallivanting with your friends," Ramesses said, gripping her hand, and she bowed her head and looked at the floor.

Sut came up and saw her. "Well, well, look what just came in—the hussy that pretended to be an Egyptian. You know, I still want you."

"Look, Sut, I did that to keep from being in the situation I'm in now. I would leave if I were you," Neiko warned. "I don't know if you missed the memo, but I'm a Great Wife now," she said with a shrug and with "get lost" on her features.

Sut saw that Ramesses' back was turned, and he reached to touch her face.

Like lightning, Ramesses turned around, stopped him, and shot him icy daggers. He knew he was there. "How dare you. Touch my wife again, and you die," he said with a snarl.

Sut gulped and backed away. Many other young men looked at her, but Ramesses instantly stopped their gazes as he gave them cold stares. Several times, she tried to pull her hand from his grasp, but he responded by tightening his grip.

"I want to go with my friends," Neiko said, sulking.

"No, you are mine tonight and always," Ramesses argued. "You are not to associate yourself with peasants and commoners in public."

"My friends are not peasants or commoners!" Neiko shot back, trying to argue with him.

Ramesses gave Neiko a stern look that said "Don't tempt me" and held up his finger in her face, and then his features said "End of discussion".

Senu was talking with the Indians most of the evening, and he heard of their predicament. "He won't let her talk to no one else without him there. She's miserable. We are trying to find a way to get back home and get her away from him," said Tito.

Senu nodded. "Oh, I wish I could have stopped this from happening. I hope you can do something soon because you don't have much time. He is about to make another drastic move, but I'm not sure what it will be. I want to go see if I can speak with Neiko for a little while." He walked up to her. "Hello, Great One, I came to speak with you."

"Senu, I'm glad to see you. I've wanted to speak with you all evening, but as you can see, I'm restricted," said Neiko, pressing her lips in a line.

"Why, Senu, want to join us?" asked Ramesses politely.

"Actually, I wanted to speak with Neiko alone. I have something I want to tell her in confidence," said Senu.

"Senu, if you have something to say, you can tell both of us. There will be no secrets. You have my permission to stay if you like," invited Ramesses

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