Chapter 34

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After Neiko was finally able to retire to her room, Imenhotep, Francesco, and Ramesses had a meeting.

"You know, Great Ramesses, I've been thinking it is time to rid yourself of those four savages," said Imenhotep. "I know you have been dying to get rid of Sito for some time. They propose a threat to your future plans. You also recall your past history with Sito and everything he has said is true about his other friends."

"I was thinking the same thing," Francesco said. "I can just imagine what could be at work here."

"I have been thinking the exact same thing, but I just do not know when yet—timing is key. I do not know what to do with them. I do not want them in my house making my life miserable. I don't know if they'll leave if I tell them to," Ramesses thought as he rubbed his beard.

"Yes, they are making tension between you and Nefertari, and they are the last roadblock in winning Neiko—they are her lifeline to what is left of her past life as you already know. They will continue to be a threat to you as long as they remain here," Francesco replied.

"I think they will make worthy additions to the labor gangs in constructing the treasure cities, and they would go well in the mud pits," mused Imenhotep.

"Hmm, that is a great idea. I will double the workload of those four than that of any other slave. Maybe I will be lucky and they'll die there," said Ramesses with a crafty smile. "If so, Neiko will never know. Such knowledge will remain unknown by both of us."

* * *

Later that day, Neiko walked in the garden alone. She thought of the day's events, and how her life was being shaped outside of her control. Next week was her coronation and ceremony. She found a concealed area and sat and played the flute that Sito had whittled for her. She would do this when she could get away from Ramesses—lately it seemed nearly impossible. After playing, she heard the cries of hawks, and she shut her eyes and began to meditate. Suddenly, her thoughts went into the depths of her soul—she heard the cries of a hawk and saw one flying; she and the hawk became one. She was flying over the countryside of Hawote, and she saw herself running in a field in happiness.

Suddenly, she saw an Egyptian god with the head of an ibis wiping away writings on a wall and writing new ones in their place. A sundial appeared, and the shadow began to move backward. She saw herself walking in Egypt, while the hawk was perched on the Great Pyramid which was her eyes. Neiko found Monchiska in Egypt, and they ran in the desert hand in hand laughing in joy. Suddenly, Egyptian gods surrounded them. Anubis took Monchiska, while Amon-Ra and Osiris took her. She was being dragged to Ramesses calling Monchiska's name, and they threw her in his arms. Monchiska fought Anubis, defeated him, and came for her. He fought them and defeated all of them, and they returned to Hawote.

The sundial appeared and went forward as Neiko and Monchiska were living a happy life. There was a rumble on the ground and the four colossi of Ramesses and the sphinx were marching and destroying everything. The Abu-Simbal temple lay in ruins, stomped by the huge statues. The statues began to chase them. Then there was a great earthquake, and Ramesses came out of the ground and stabbed Monchiska in the heart. Anubis carried him off while Ramesses carried her off. Monchiska came back and defeated Ramesses freeing her. Neiko and Monchiska, with three unknown people, destroyed the marching statues.

The sundial showed again going forward. It showed Ramses and Ramesses—who looked very different and yet very similar—marching side by side after them, as they ran in terror. The two threw spells at Monchiska, while they tried to trap her together.

Suddenly, the images disappeared, and the hawk sat on a wall, looking at her. "Neiko, beware of Ramesses and the curse. He will one day try to win you back if you make it back to Hawote. He must never live again. Also, beware of Ramses. He too will try to win you, and beware of his curse. Ramesses must never become a Dark Pharaoh and never join Ramses. I will leave you a feather—keep it always for hope. However, Ramesses must never see it or all hope will be lost. Farewell, Neiko. I will be with you. Speak to Sito about what you saw and remember my words," it said and turned into a being of light, which was Great Spirit. Then the light being disappeared.

Neiko came out of her deep trance. A hawk sat on the wall, looking at her, cocking its head. Then it screeched and took off. A feather fell in front of her, and she picked it up and rubbed it against her face.

"The feather of hope," Neiko whispered, and hid it in her dress. Suddenly someone came up and put her hand on her shoulder. She jumped, but it was only Nefertari. "Oh, geez, you scared me! I thought you were..." she said, gasping.

"I know. I didn't mean to frighten you. I came to see how you were. I managed to smooth things over with Ramesses, and he will let me spend some time with you. I don't have to follow those laws now because he pardoned me. I will try not to anger him for your sake. You seem to have been deep in thought," said Nefertari.

"I have to talk to Sito. I had visions about Ramesses, and he and Monchiska were having battles over me. My guide told me to beware of Ramesses coming back to life. Nefie, I gotta get outa here and back to Hawote. I won't be safe anywhere else," said Neiko and then bit her lip.

"I see, but you will have to see him tonight when Ramesses sleeps. I will tell him you wish to speak with him, and you will meet in your room. Agreed?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Nefie," said Neiko, and Nefertari disappeared.

"You are out here alone? Come, let's talk," said Ramesses as he came from nowhere.

"Okay," Neiko said nervously, as she reached in her dress and stroked the feather.

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