Chapter 17

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One week passed and everyone had grown accustomed to his or her new lives at the palace—well sort of. Neiko's other three friends worked diligently in whatever work detail was available in the palace and gardens. Francesco did well as royal scribe and won brownie points along the way. Neiko, in contrast, had no chores. She did absolutely nothing except learn her new language with Sito's mentoring.

The first day Neiko learned basic words like cat, dog, bird, sun, crocodile, hippo, fish, please, and phrases like I want, I need, I love you. The next day she learned more words and phrases and a bit more about how to ask for things and table etiquette and some court etiquette—things important for a new queen to know. As the week progressed, he expounded on her vocabulary and reviewed others. Neiko also wanted to learn how to write and read in hieroglyphics. Even though most women didn't learn this, Sito felt it was a good idea, and it would help Neiko learn the language much better.

On the third day of teaching, Pharaoh demanded an evening with her. He was going to see how well she was progressing and test whether Sito's teaching was up to his expectations. The main reason for his request, however, was to begin courtship even if it was small talk and simple conversation. Much to his distaste, Sito had to be present.

During one of her daily language lessons after the first week, she decided to ask Sito some questions. "Sito, I've been wondering—why am I here? I mean, I don't have any duties, and I just do—whatever. I tried to sweep the floor, and Ramesses—or Pharaoh—whatever you wanna call him—personally took the broom away from me! It makes no sense," Neiko said, shrugging. "He hasn't said a word about it!"

Sito bit his lip and shrugged, acting nonchalant. "I know. I've been wondering the same thing. I know that he hasn't said a word of your cause in being here—maybe he's waiting for the appropriate time. Let's just continue with your lesson, shall we? You are doing very well, and you will be speaking proficiently in about another month or so," said Sito.

"Thanks, at least I'm good for something around here," Neiko muttered, and they continued with the lesson.

* * *

Francesco approached the royal platform, and he knelt. "You called, my king?"

"Yes—about a personal matter, but it is very important to me. You seem to have the answers I want, and you are the only one who will answer me—Sito thinks he can keep secrets from me and eludes my questions; I have ways of finding out what I want to know," he said, jabbing his finger into the elaborately carved, gold armrest of this throne. "I want to know everything about this Hawote and of Neiko's importance in it—in doing so, I will grant you higher favor. Sito seems to stress she is so important—is she the Neiko who is the 'warrior child'? What do the rest of them do?" asked Ramesses as he stood up.

Francesco looked at him with raised eyebrows, puzzled at Pharaoh's knowledge. He must have learned a lot from Sito, and Pharaoh's questions and remarks piqued his interest. "Well, Sito specifically said everything about Hawote itself from what you told me yesterday—except about it coexisting with a place called Georgia—it is woodlands that are owned by Indians and Crackedskulls. Neiko—she has a lot of importance because she is the Liberator who leads the Indians' opposition against King Raven. Yes, she is the warrior child—also known as the 'Chosen One'. I'll tell you more about her background since I don't know what you do know. Anyway, she was only a child when she began fighting—she began warrior training when she was six, and at eight years old, she was on the battlefield. She became Captain of the Falcon forces when she was nine years of age. She freed what are the Seven Tribes when she was ten. She is the superior officer of the Falcons, and three years ago she became Admiral—the only one in history. Captain was the top rank for thousands of years. Sigma, the Scraah chief, let the entire land vote on it. They wanted to elect her as the first Admiral. Not only that, every Indian looks up to her—she is the heroine of all time, and she is distinguished. You personally witnessed her skill. And above all, Raven's son, Bloodhawk, desires her. He has tried countless times to seize her on the battlefield so he can take her hand in marriage, but she fights him and escapes his grasp all the time. He has never managed to capture her but once, and he did it personally when she mysteriously disappeared and then returned—it's still unexplained. She was alone, but she escaped somehow. She has beauty to go with her brains and strength so she can be quite dangerous especially if she is feeling threatened or trapped. Those other four are just followers and comrades of Neiko. Sito used to be the inventor, and his brother lent a hand. So that is all."

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