Chapter 7

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Francesco pranced into the throne room singing and dancing a merry jig. He had been as happy as a lark for days.

"What are you so chipper about? I find it hard to frolic about after a defeat! Especially one this bad with so many losses!" snapped Raven as his amber eyes flashed in irritation. Raven was nine feet tall with snowy white wings and eagle like feet and eyes. "What is with you? You have been annoyingly giddy the past two days and driving me insane!" he said, clenching his huge fists by the shaven sides of his head.

Francesco smiled. "Oh, there is now hope of victory because I disposed of Admiral Neiko Kidd for good."

Raven's mouth fell open. "You what?"

Bloodhawk narrowed his inherited amber eyes. "What do you mean you 'disposed' of her?" he asked angrily. His massive eleven-foot form stood erectly in challenge to the small, scrawny man and fanned out his huge onyx-black wings and dug his talons into the stone floor.

"All I did was send her to Egypt about three thousand years in the past during the reign of Ramesses the Great—that's all," Francesco shrugged indifferently.

"What? How?" asked Raven in utter disbelief.

"With this," Francesco said as he took out the crystal and held it up and bounced it in his hand. "I made this myself with an ordinary quartz crystal and the Eye of Mohica. I can go anywhere I desire—past, present, or future—or I can send someone else. What makes it really great is when I return, the people I meet will have no memory of me being there. It's been tested and all worked out."

"Is it possible to return if you go?" asked Bloodhawk.

"Of course, you know me—I always have a way out," said Francesco.

Raven nodded and crossed his arms over his huge, well-built chest. "Good—because you will go to Egypt, find Neiko, and bring her to us. Do you get that?" snarled Raven with his amber eyes flashing.

"You mean I have to go to Egypt and look everywhere for her? That will be hard!" Francesco squealed.

"Hard? If you don't go and bring her back, then I will make you die hard!" snarled Bloodhawk as he shook his huge fists.

"Where did you send her?" asked Raven. "Then—Neiko isn't going to stay still. God knows where she could be after two days—" said Raven aloud as his thoughts were fleeting. "How much trouble can she get into in forty-eight hours? Trouble always seems to find her—she doesn't look for it."

Francesco shrugged like he didn't care which he didn't. "Memphis, and don't worry about the pharaoh finding her because he isn't there—he's in Thebes," said Francesco soothingly in an attempt to avert the savage wrath of the monarchs.

"You better hope that Pharaoh doesn't lay a hand on her—for your sake—because if he lays eyes on her, then that would pose a problem getting her back. I have an idea what could happen," Raven suggested.

"Yeah, and if he does, I'll kill you. And, that goes for any other Egyptians as well. Do you read me?" asked Bloodhawk curtly.

"Yes," Francesco said, annoyed.

"Good. You will go to Memphis tonight, and that is where you will start. Don't come back here unless you find her and have her with you. If she is dead, or if you fail, don't ever return because I give Bloodhawk permission to tear you to pieces upon sight. Now get out of my sight, you worthless, sniveling idiot," Raven scowled as he waved his hand in annoyance.

Francesco walked out of the throne room with a crafty smile on his face. He had his own hidden agenda. I'll show them, he thought maliciously. He walked into the foyer, took out the crystal, and prepared for his trip ancient Egypt. Raven's foyer turned into the green swirling vortex.

Francesco appeared in the northeast side of Memphis which was close to the Pyramids of Giza. Why not start his journey near one of the Seven Wonders of the World? After landing and getting his bearings, he put the green crystal back into his pocket and headed into the city to begin his search for the Chosen One.

* * *

Monchiska and Phoenix sat on the porch after their search. "Well, I don't believe this. It looks as if she disappeared without a trace. So I suppose we should call Xartna and tell him about this," said Monchiska as he picked up his cell phone.

Xartna was a member of Neiko's tribe who was one of the chieftains of the Seven Tribes Allegiance.

"Hello?" asked Xartna.

"Hey, pal, it's Monchiska. I've got some dreadful news. Neiko has disappeared—it's just like how Sito and the others disappeared years ago, and that is not good," said Monchiska.

"Oh no! What will we do? I have to bring this to the Tribes' attention tonight. And do you have any idea who may be responsible?" asked Xartna.

"No. Wait—maybe Francesco knows, and you know he has it in for Neiko. And, do you remember that threat of making her sorry? I have a hunch he may have something to do with it. And remember, he didn't particularly like Sito and the others that well either. Who knows, they may have found some dirt on him," proposed Monchiska.

"Hmm, well, that does sound logical, but we need more evidence so we can conduct a search for her, and maybe even find our long-lost comrades," mused Xartna aloud.

"Yeah, but the thing is, there is no evidence. We searched Neiko's house inside, out, and top to bottom, but we found squat," said Monchiska dejectedly.

"Well, I don't know what else to do. All we can do at the moment is tell the Indians and wait and see if Neiko will return on her own," sighed Xartna.

"Well, thanks. See ya tonight. Bye," said Monchiska and then hung up.

"Oh no, I fear she met the same fate as my sweetie did," Phoenix said, crying.

Monchiska gave her a hug. "Don't cry. We'll get to the bottom of this,and if Francesco's the one involved, then I will finish what Neiko started," he vowed.     

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