Chapter 30

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Neiko went into the room first; Sito closed the door behind him and locked it.

"What is it?" asked Neiko in surprise at the urgency of the conversation and Sito's actions.

"I found out something more about that second ceremony, and it is quite disturbing," Sito replied. "I was also wondering how you ended up with Ramesses today."

"I slammed the door in his face and locked it just like always, but this time he had a key. You can figure out the rest. And what's the big deal about that stupid ceremony?" asked Neiko, folding her arms.

Sito sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "It has never been performed in all of history. Ramesses was never supposed to have it performed on anybody including Nefertari. I have studied Egypt and lived here for more than eleven years, but never heard of this ceremony until now. There are many heathen women taken in by pharaohs, but they never undergo this. I talked to a priest about it, who is a friend of mine—he told me that I can find it written on a very old tablet. This ceremony is only performed when a pharaoh takes a wife—and under his command—wishes it to be performed. The meaning is that this woman is bound to him for all of eternity, nothing can extinguish the love, and she is no longer of her people if she is not Egyptian. It also has a curse along with it: the pharaoh's ghost will haunt any man that takes this wife after the death of the pharaoh, and many evils will befall him. Also, if the pharaoh dies before the woman, she will die and be buried with him—side by side. Even in death you'll never be separated or bad things will happen. If she doesn't die, then she will be cursed. The pharaoh's ghost will follow her and haunt her. So if something happens to Ramesses that isn't supposed to, you will be killed or you will be buried alive in his tomb. If you are killed, you will still be buried in his tomb beside him and not in a separate one like Nefertari will. If you die first, the same thing applies; you will have this inscribed on your sarcophagus with your funerary spells about your eternal union with Ramesses. You two can never be separated, even in death, or his wrath will be unleashed. If you ever run away, or if you try to stifle his eternal flame, it will not quench. He will find you wherever you go; his love will find you. So, Neiko, this is a very serious ordeal, and I'm sorry we didn't do something to stop it."

Neiko shook her head. "Oh, Sito, it's nothing but a bunch of superstitious nonsense! We come from the twentieth century, so we don't believe in that stuff! Ramesses would have made me do it, even if he had needed to hog-tie and drag me kicking and screaming, so no apology needed. We know that Egyptian curses are a bunch of baloney. That love stuff is really touching, but I hate Ramesses. Ramesses'ghost haunting Monchiska and jinxing his hunting days sounds ridiculous," she said and then frowned.

"Maybe so, but the rest will hold true. If Ramesses dies, you die. We have to make sure nothing like that happens," Sito said firmly.

"What happens to Nefertari if he dies early?" asked Neiko.

"Nothing—she just becomes a grieving widow and returns to her home, or she is picked up by the next pharaoh for a wife. We know she dies before he is supposed to," Sito stated.

"That's really not fair!" Neiko grumbled, shaking her fists. "I like Nefertari and all, but she gets all the breaks. I get curses and death threats if Ramesses bites the dust, but she gets to live while I get killed or buried alive. He is so jealous of anybody that looks at me cross-eyed. This whole curse thing is just another act of jealousy in my opinion. He is so possessive and overprotective; I can't do anything without him keeping an eye on me while she can go walking anywhere or do anything she wants. I know it'll get worse because he's so jealous of everyone I talk to. I'll bet I won't be able to even go to bed by myself without him escorting me to my room! This is so unfair!" Neiko fussed as she pulled at her hair.

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