Chapter 22

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The following day the Indians tried to find a chance to corner Francesco to be able to retrieve the crystal before midday, but he wasn't there at the palace. He could be anywhere, but none of them could leave the palace.

"This is just great," Neiko grumbled. "I have exactly two more hours before I have to meet you-know-who. You'll have to try to get it without me."

Sito sighed. "He won't be back till late tonight because he had something he had to do, but I can go and search his room and see if it's there."

"Well, okay. I have to start getting ready now because I'm not sure how long it'll take, and I can tell he'd be mad if I was late—he'd probably think I did it on purpose. So I'll talk to you later?" asked Neiko with a timid shrug.

"Okay. We'll tell you of our progress, and you give us the juicy details," Tito said.

Neiko laughed sarcastically and then gave him a disgusted frown. "I will, but I know I won't be having fun."

Neiko ran to her room to get herself ready. She placed the crown on her head and put on her makeup. "I hate these clothes. I'll never get used to this," she muttered, seeing her dress was light material, and it was fairly short. "My mom would have a fit if she saw me in this," she said, tugging at her skirt. She went downstairs and met Nefertari in the foyer.

"You are already dressed? How did you do it?" asked Nefertari curiously.

"Oh, easy. I did it by myself," said Neiko with a carefree shrug. She guessed Nefertari was used to having just about everything done for her.

"Well, okay. He is waiting in the dining hall," Nefertari said, leading her down the hall by the hand.

Neiko fidgeted. "Uh, will you come with me?"

"Yes, I will accompany you to the dining hall, but he wants to be with you alone. I can't come in with you today. Do you know where Sito is?" asked Nefertari.

Neiko fidgeted. "Uh, he has a few things he has to do, so I'm not very sure," Neiko replied, shrugging, as they started to walk to the appointed place.

"Here we are, and I hope you have a good time. I'm so happy you are going to be a part of the family," said Nefertari, hugging her and then walking off.

"Why did you have to leave me here by myself with him?" Neiko grumbled.

Someone put his arm around her, and she jumped.

"Come on in and be seated," said Ramesses, ushering her in. He seated her at the table and sat down beside her.

Neiko twiddled her thumbs and tried to find something to talk about. The Egyptian words seemed to not fire in her brain or match with her fleeting thoughts. "Um...uh...well, I uh—nice day, isn't it?" she managed to fight out. "The sun is...uh—really bright, and the trees are green. The obelisks are nice and tall. I learned that word yesterday—obelisk. It is very dry in the desert—it's not dry where I come from."

Ramesses smiled, watching her. "Really? Yes, it is a marvelous day, but the sun or nature is not what makes this day special," he said, looking at her and smiling.

"Really? Uh, is hunting fun here? I've always loved hunting, and I was hoping to go sometime soon. I also like to go fishing," mused Neiko as she fidgeted and twiddled her thumbs. She was extremely nervous.

"Really? How nice. I occasionally go, but not often. I would rather race than hunt or fish. I used to go with my father when I was younger." Ramesses said. "Father and I were close."

"Oh—well...Pharaoh, how are your treasure cities coming along? Good, I hope," Neiko said, trying to smile.

"Oh, they're coming along well. They should be finished within a few years. Call me Ramesses from now on," Ramesses said good-naturedly.

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