Chapter 26

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Imenhotep arrived late that night, and they talked of the new arrangements. Neiko was supposed to be in bed, but she took the distraction of wedding plans as an opportunity to see her friends. They all met in the twins' room. "I can't believe you did this, Neiko. Now things are worse. I tried to warn you!" Sito said sadly.

"I know, but I had to try. It was going to happen anyway, and either way I lose. I'm not losing anything more. It seemed a good idea at the time," Neiko said, bowing her head in shame.

"Yes, I see your point. But he moved the date up from five days remaining to two. I gather that's why Imenhotep is here," Tito mused.

"Yeah, and Imenhotep is also one of Pharaoh's best friends. Yet, even Pharaoh gave me the same long lecture," said Neiko as she twisted her mouth.

Sito cocked an eyebrow. "About what?"

"Oh, something about putting myself in danger and stuff. I also made a remark about him just being mad because I got his chariot dirty. He got really ticked off about that. He said he'll prove his love one way or another," Neiko said, looking at the floor. "He called me that pet name again. He's been doing that a lot lately."

"Oh, you mean 'my warrior'?" asked Sito.

"Yeah," Neiko answered, nodding.

Everyone shook their heads.

Mactalon groaned. "That is what we were afraid of. Is that all he said?"

"Basically. But he says he will keep me on a leash and watch me like a hawk—even though he does that enough already," Neiko grumbled.

"Oh, you need to go on to bed, and hurry before he catches you in here with us, or you'll get in more trouble," cautioned Panthero urgently.

"Yeah. If we can find out how to escape, it won't matter," Tito proposed. "If not, she'll be forced to do the ceremony. If we try to stop it, he'll either kill us or throw us out."

"I don't know," said Sito warily. "I've heard gossip that there could be more going on than just the ceremony and feast."

"Like what?" asked Neiko.

"I don't know," Sito replied. "I can't get close enough to find out."

"You better get going," said Tito, reminding Neiko.

Mactalon looked out the door; no one was there. "Go now. The coast is clear," he whispered.

Neiko slipped into her room, cuddled on her mattress, and fell asleep.

* * *

The two days passed quickly; the big day had come. Neiko was dressed in a fine Egyptian dress, while her friends wore their native clothes—an exception granted by the Pharaoh. When everyone was dressed, they began their march to the temple with an armed escort. People were on both sides of the street, as they watched the progression. When they arrived, the six from Hawote as well as Ramesses and Nefertari walked in while the guards remained outside. Neiko was brought forward, and she stood before Imenhotep. The traditional marriage ceremony was performed, but that's not all that was performed.

After the ceremony, Imenhotep began to call upon the names of the gods and gave an eerie oration, casting some sort of a spell. Priests with the heads of the gods chanted and danced around her as they threw scented water on her, and she looked around in worry.

The ceremony lasted for hours, and Neiko became weary because of anxiety. Imenhotep took Neiko's hand and placed it into Ramesses' hand. Many other cryptic sayings were said and so where prayers and chants. The representations of the gods danced around and touched their united hands and cast a spell upon them. The strange second ritual was finally over, and they all returned. As they did, the people cheered. Neiko looked at them and laughed nervously. They finally made it home.

They had a feast at the palace that night. Soon after that Neiko went to her room early, shut the door, and cried herself to sleep.

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