Chapter 10

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The next morning, the Indians had breakfast with Senu, his three wives, and his fifteen children. They talked about a lot of things.

"You won't have to address Pharaoh about your brother because he and I are good friends. I could go further than you could—that is—if we cannot find him elsewhere. I can tell you right now, Ramesses will be annoyed of your presence there. He doesn't like the company of savages—no offense by me—his words not mine, especially invoking him to a request," offered Senu.

"That's good. Thanks for all you're doing. What would he do if he found out you were helping us?" asked Tito. "I wonder if he has some sort of beef with my brother for him to say things like that," said Tito as he rubbed his chin in thought.

Senu shrugged at Tito's musings. "He would do nothing to me about helping you—if you brother is now overstaying his welcome or whatever the case is. He doesn't show much concern in the slave business unless the work forces are unsatisfactory in Goshen or in Luxor or his monuments are unfinished when he wants them finished. He has no concern about my disputes with Kenes or what we do as long as we don't start a war," replied Senu. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Clean this up, just in case it's a patrol. I will answer the door," he said, getting up. The Indians followed his instructions. He ran and opened the door to a patrol.

"Good day, Senu. Have you seen a strange-looking warrior girl around?" asked the captain.

"No, I haven't," Senu replied, shaking his head.

"We must search the house, just in case—it's orders—no mistrust," the captain said, and Senu led them in. Servants darted about doing their chores. The Indians cleaned the dining hall, and the soldiers closely checked the house. The soldiers left, and the Indians gave each other high-fives on duping the soldiers.

"That's that. Senu is such a genius, and they had no idea she was right in front of their faces! I bet that guy will give up pretty soon," said Tito.

"I guess they thought I was still wearing my other clothes," said Neiko, laughing as she fingered her garment.

Senu ran up to them. "I have some important news. I will be having a dinner party tomorrow night, and I have invited several of other men of the wealthy elite and their families to attend. They will come from all parts of the country, and that man may come to the party tomorrow. This mystery man could be anyone. Do you have any ideas on how to hide Neiko? I fear that he may still recognize her in servant clothes especially the way you say he looked at her so profoundly. Even as a servant, her beauty shines through."

"I got it! Why don't we dress her in fine clothes and make her look like a goddess? We have to make a cover story, and Neiko will pick out an Egyptian name," said Mactalon.

"Very good. I will get my wives and a few of my servants to assist her in dressing, but she must have an escort. One of you will do; the rest will be servants," Senu said.

"I know! I will be her brother. You can help me dress up in some of your clothes, and it'll be perfect; we are almost the same size," said Tito switching his forefinger between himself and Senu.

"I want to be the brother because it was my idea!" Mactalon protested.

"Please, don't fight. Tito will do the brother role, but there is one thing more. She cannot speak or understand our language like you three, and that will give it away," mused Senu.

Panthero pondered. "I know! She will pretend she's deaf and mute."

"Hmm, this may just work. Bring Neiko here and tell her the plan. And she must choose a name now," Senu said.

They brought Neiko over and told her the plan.

"Now you must have a name," said Tito.

"So do you! Most of the Egyptian women's names are long mouthfuls and things I can't spell or pronounce. Besides, the only one I can think of is Hatshepsut, but it doesn't fit, and I don't particularly like it," said Neiko.

"My name will be Thutmose. Make one up, and I will judge if it sounds Egyptian or not," offered Tito.

Neiko racked her brain, but nothing came to mind. "I can't think of anything."

"Neiko, do try," said Senu as he studied her frustrated face.

Neiko thought harder because she knew this was the last step of the plan and one of the most important parts. Then one name popped into her head. "Sat-Hathor," she said finally massaging her aching head.

Senu smiled. "A pretty name, and it fits. What do you think, Tito?"

"Good choice, Neiko. Sat-Hathor it is. I can't wait to see what you look like tomorrow night," Tito said.

Everyone prepared for the party, and they put in place the finishing touches on the plan. 

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