Chapter 24

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The next day, all five Indians met in the garden, and Neiko told them everything she had heard while eavesdropping the previous night.

"Oh no. Now Pharaoh knows the whole truth, and this is going to add to his hatred of us because of those lies the little weasel told; he already views us as a threat, but this makes it worse. He's going to do everything in his power to stop you from going home. We won't be here much longer. He'll get rid of us probably after the ceremony for certain," Sito said in dread.

"He didn't believe everything though. That means I only have ten days left. Francesco is going to make sure I'm stuck here with him alone for the rest of my life. We can't make any sudden moves because Ramesses has the crystal, and we have to get it back somehow," said Neiko.

"If we aren't careful, he could destroy it if it becomes too much of a risk to his plans for Neiko," added Sito.

"Neiko and Sito are right. I just wonder how we'll get it back. How did Francesco make that thing?" asked Tito.

"With the Eye of Mohica—how exactly I'm unsure of," Neiko replied, and they looked at her like she was telling a science-fiction story.

She continued by saying, "I have more. I'm really not supposed to talk about this, but I need to tell someone if we don't make it out of here. You guys are my best friends. Y'all can't tell anyone if we get back. I know where the Eye of Mohica came from ... a land called Qari. It is in the First Universe and contains magic. Its real name is the Eye of Cygnus, and it was created by a Pharaoh name Rumi who began a line of the Pharaohs of Qari. Rumi created the black, simple magic of the pharaoh family. I found all of this out because I went to Qari, and I saw this spell of time travel before in a book of magic written by Rumi. Qarian pharaohs are just like Egyptian pharaohs, except mostly they possess magic."

Mactalon was perplexed. "How did you get there?"

"Before I say that, I'll tell you there is a very dangerous man from there called Ramses. He is after the Eye of Mohica and me. He is extremely dangerous and that's why I was sworn to secrecy. There is more, but I must stop there. You wouldn't believe me if I told you," said Neiko.

"How dangerous and mean is he? From what little you say, I don't think I would say anything either," said Sito.

"He is so mean, he puts Ramesses on a bad day to shame. Imagine Ramesses six foot eight and weighing six hundred pounds—including armor—with unlimited strength, potent magic, and a very short temper. He has a bigger inferiority complex, and he wants to kill anyone and everyone. The thing you can remember most are his eyes, because they are sightless and they glow with red fire. Say his name and all tremble," replied Neiko.

Everyone shuddered.

"Boy, that is the ultimate enemy—he could stomp Bloodhawk easily," said Panthero.

"That's because I know I'll be saved by my friends, the Attack Pack, but here, I have not much hope of escape. The Attack Pack has fought against him for a long time, but things are beginning to suck," said Neiko. "And I know if I marry Ramses, I'll be doomed to be his wife and live a life of solitude with him, and I'll never be freed from a curse. I may escape, but he will find me and get me back. At least I can say Ramesses is not evil—he may be a royal pain in the umph and a little mean—but he's not evil," Neiko replied.

"I guess so," said Panthero, biting his lip.

"Ramses somehow found out about Ramesses. He said that Ramesses the Great is a spoiled, arrogant palace brat who so weak and helpless can't even fasten his own sandals," said Neiko.

Everyone burst out laughing till their sides were hurting. "That fits Ramesses to a T. He is that helpless to someone like Ramses! Why don't we add on to what he started? Let's see, Seti never spanked him enough, so he thinks he can pitch a fit to get his way!" Sito punned.

"Ramesses is a royal pain in the butt!" Panthero said.

Tito couldn't wait for his turn. "He is such a snotty-nosed jerk that he has to keep a handkerchief on him to wipe his nose before he talks to someone!"

"He is so conceited he thinks he can kill a lion with his bare hands!" Mactalon said.

"He is so mean, and his stare is so deadly that he can kill one with his gaze," Sito pitched in.

"He's always so grouchy and moody, no wonder Neiko wants to give him the cold shoulder!" Mactalon said.

"Enough! How dare you insult me behind my back!" came an angry shout from behind them. Everyone turned around, and there stood Ramesses with his eyes gleaming in wrath and his chest heaving in fury. He understood them since he had decreed no foreign languages were to be spoken in the palace. "You dare make sport of me behind my back, and you think it's funny? You will not think it is very funny when I am finished! If you have something to say about me, then say it to my face!" he challenged as he stood tall with his brawny chest poked out and heaving in his wrath.

"Uh-oh, I think we just got ourselves in a sticky-wicket," Mactalon whispered.

"Look who just woke up in a tizzy and on the wrong side of the bed!" added Neiko.

"Shut up! No talking when I am talking, and you will not speak unless I say!" Ramesses ranted as he marched back and forth and shook his fists.

Wanting to speak, Panthero raised his hand.

"What?" Ramesses snapped.

" were talking about some other Ramesses—honest. You know that is a very popular name nowadays," Panthero said in hopes to alter the situation, but this just made Ramesses angrier.

"You lie! Do you think I am stupid? Come now—tell me how stupid I am now!" Ramesses snarled with his dark brown eyes nearly glowing and wild; the kohl just seemed to accent the fury.

The Indians shrank back.

"I will show you who is in command around here! I will make you work from sunrise to sunset in hard labor to teach you a lesson who is in charge here! Enjoy this day while it lasts. You will be gone very soon. You are only here it all in due respect for Neiko—don't try my patience and good will!" he warned.

All the Indians sighed with relief when Ramesses turned to leave.

"Well, at least I get to stay," Neiko said with a grin.

Ramesses spun around and came back a second later. "I forgot something. Let's go," he snapped as he grabbed her arm; he was holding it so tightly, it hurt. "You will be spending the rest of your time with me as it should be—you will have absolutely no contact with them for ten days."

"Oww, ouch. You're hurting me!" Neiko cried as he dragged her behind him, and they disappeared.

Sito shook his head. "We really did it this time, and someone is in a bad mood."

"Yeah, he's really cranky today—more than usual," Mactalon said.

"Well, we can't do what we were going to without Neiko, and she is forbidden to see us for ten days—maybe forever. That's the day of the ceremony, and I think it'll be permanently after that sometime—like he just said," said Sito glumly.

"Hi, guys. What's wrong?" asked Nefertari in a phrase she picked up from the Indians as she ran out. They told her what had happened. "Oh my. Why did you do that?"

"We were so mad at him, and we tried to get some of it out of our system. He wasn't supposed to overhear. I guess he was trying to eavesdrop on Neiko again. We can't see Neiko from today until ten days later—if ever again. We were going to play poker out here in the garden, and we can't now without Neiko," Sito replied.

"I'll take her place tonight. Can you teach me?" Nefertari asked.

"Yeah, but tonight is the last night we will feel like having fun,because we will be worked very hard."

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