Chapter 29

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The next morning, the five unlucky Indians had to stand before Ramesses for their little dance the night before.

"I am disappointed you are going behind my back and doing foreign rituals in my house without my permission or approval. Let me say this—I do not approve of anything that has to do with Hawote. I don't want to hear that name again or of any of its laws because they do not apply here. I'm tired of hearing about the history of things to come, and what is supposed to be and what is not. It doesn't concern me. Is that understood?" he said as he marched back and forth on the royal platform with crook and flail in hand, accenting his mannerisms. He had complete command of the situation and was laying down the law.

The Indians nodded without a word. Arguing the matter was a waste of time and dangerous. Not even Neiko could think of a sarcastic comment to add or a way to alter the situation.

Ramesses wasn't done yet. "Furthermore, I also want you to start acting like Egyptians—you are no longer Indians as long as you live here—I may be sending the other four of you on your way soon. I am just not certain as to when. If you will not abide by these rules, then leave now. I will not repeat myself. Francesco, take these clothes and burn them. The five of you may leave," Ramesses said, waving his hand.

They left shaking their heads. Neiko scowled.

"He's coming down on us really hard, and he's stripping us of our heritage and our identity—it's not fair," Panthero said, biting his lip.

"We have to do what he says to stay here. I think he is doing this for three reasons—one, he can't stand our kind or land, so he doesn't want to deal with it because we are against him having Neiko. Two, he is turning up the heat to try to make us leave sooner, and three, he is transforming Neiko into what he wants her to be and shaping her life for her. He's turning her into an Egyptian queen—soon a Great Queen," Sito said as he kept count with his fingers. "I've heard that a Great Wife ceremony is around the corner. I haven't been able to pinpoint a date yet."

"We aren't leaving. He has no idea how strong our friendship is. The only way he can get rid of us is if he exiles us, but we'd come back with a vengeance," Mactalon said with his eyes burning and slamming his fist into his palm.

"Well guys, I need to go to my room; I've got something I have to do," Neiko said taking out the key to her room from her pocket.

"I've been wondering where you got that key from to be able to lock yourself up," said Sito.

Neiko winked. "Nefie. It's the only key to my room, and she got it for me. See ya," she said, walking away.

Neiko walked to her room quickly looking for Ramesses, because she didn't see him in the throne room. Neiko was wary of another ambush. She quickly unlocked the door and walked inside. He came into sight just behind her, and she ran inside and slammed the door in his face. It missed his nose by a centimeter, and she quickly locked it. "Ha, ha! Nice try," she said like a rebellious teenager as she leaned on the door.

"We'll see about that," Ramesses laughed to himself as he took out a master key that he had in his hand.

No one, not even Nefertari, knew he had a master key. He unlocked the door and walked in, and Neiko turned around in surprise.

"How'd you—" Neiko stammered.

Ramesses held up the master key. "This has gone far enough. Come," he said as he pulled her out of the room and forced her to go eat with him.

* * *

Later that afternoon, the other four Indians were looking for Neiko, and Sito walked up to meet the three.

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