Chapter 40

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That afternoon, Neiko and Nefertari were walking and talking in the garden. As they were chatting, they saw Francesco; he was holding and stroking the crystal, and it glistened in the sun. He marched up to them with a grin on his face. "Today I return to Hawote and leave you behind in your new life, Neiko, while your friends' carcasses bake in the desert. I have Pharaoh's permission to leave. Farewell," he said. "I'll be seeing you in about three thousand years."

"I think not," Neiko shouted, and she ran and tackled him. He dropped the crystal, and it rolled out of reach. They wrestled and tried to fight to get to it in a tangle of arms and legs. "Nefie, get it!" said Neiko as she pinned down the lanky man.

Nefertari ran, picked it up, and tried to run away with it, but Francesco tripped her. She landed facedown on the sand, and it rolled out of reach onto the stone walkway and at the feet of Ramesses.

"Time to end this once and for all," Ramesses said, and Neiko and Francesco stopped wrestling and Nefertari stood there helplessly. The trio watched in horror as he raised his royal staff and began to hit it with its butt. He hit it three times, and on the last hit, it shattered into small pieces. Then he ground the small pieces into dust with his foot. "I have changed my mind, Francesco. I want you to stay, and it is time to test your loyalty to me once and for all."

Francesco ran up to it and picked up the dust, but the wind carried it out of his hands. He turned and glared at Neiko while he pulled at his hair. "You stupid Indian! Look what you've done!" he yelled in terror.

"Well, at least I have comfort in knowing I won't die here alone, and at least I know you are now reaping what you've sown," Neiko said, standing like a victorious warrior. "You won't exist either, so now Hawote will be a better place without you. And, oh, you can kiss your promotion to "Pharaoh of Hawote" good-bye; I hope you like your demotion back down to Pharaoh's lacky," she said scathingly.

Francesco shot her icy daggers and then stormed off and cussed under his breath as he left.

Neiko and Nefertari talked about him and laughed.

"I need to borrow Nefertari for a moment, but as for you, I have something special planned for you tonight," said Ramesses with a cheery and broad smile.

Neiko shrugged. "Sure, no problem," she said and walked off.

* * *

That evening everyone in the palace watched a dance, but Neiko watched it halfheartedly and in boredom. When it was finished, everyone clapped. "That was good. Did you like it?" asked Nefertari.

"Not really. I'd rather watch an action movie," Neiko said with her chin resting on her hands and sighing. "I'm dying for some chocolate—too bad it doesn't exist here," she mumbled to herself. "Ice cream would be nice, too."

That evening, following the dance, Neiko was beginning her date, and the four of them moved in to make their attack. Francesco was walking around outside, and Nefertari was only a few yards away. Francesco saw them coming, but before he could scream, Mactalon knocked him out, tied him up, and gagged him. Then they sneaked up on Nefertari and threw a bag over her. She squealed, and they made a hasty retreat. Several guards pursued them, but they got away with their two captives.

"We must tell Pharaoh immediately that Queen Nefertari has been stolen by Hyksos bandits," said one guard to another pair. Their dress was unmistakable since they had occupied Egypt in the past.

The other two guards didn't argue and ran to find Ramesses.

"Where is Pharaoh?" asked one of the guards from outside to another pair that was patrolling the foyer.

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