Chapter 18

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Later that night, the five returned from their dip in the Nile and came in making a lot of noise. They were sharing about their feats with the crocodiles. Francesco was leaning on the wall, smiling shrewdly at them.

Seeing this, Mactalon had something snide to say. "What are you so happy about?"

"I know something you don't know!" Francesco sang and danced jeeringly.

"Oh, what's that—you finally realized you don't have a brain?" asked Neiko.

Francesco smiled at her smugly with a self satisfied and shrewd smile. "No, I know of someone who's in love."

Sito looked at him coldly. "Oh, do you mean you finally found a girl you like? How nice. Is she a lanky dork with a big ego to match yours?"

He chuckled at him. "No, I'm afraid you're wrong. Pharaoh has chosen someone to be his second wife, and I can tell he adores her."

"Who is this unlucky victim?" asked Neiko, tossing her arm with a look that she could care less.

"Yeah, who would want to agree to be united with a conceited jerk like him?" asked Tito disdainfully.

Francesco laughed at them. "You better be glad he didn't hear that, Tito. He would have you beaten and mauled. He didn't mention her name, but I think I know who she is. She cannot object because she is inferior to him."

Neiko cocked an eyebrow. "Inferior to him? Well, that's the whole doggoned country for that matter—I think he felt his mother was inferior to him. That ain't much to go on, know-it-all."

Francesco laughed at her until his side ached. "You are so blind to the situation that it's hilarious! Do you not see it?"

Neiko shrugged. "Oh puh-lease! See what? If she says yes, that's her choice, and I wish her a long, happy life. Second of all, there's no way the girl all the hullabaloo is about is me—he likes me a little bit—maybe, and I'll just be some lowly secondary wife at best. I'll be below Nefertari, not above her. Furthermore, I wouldn't be caught dead near that conceited tyrant if I was her. I really hope that girl knows what she's getting herself into," said Neiko. "Why should I care? This doesn't involve me anyway! Even if it was, he can count me out!"

Francesco laughed even harder. "Like I said before, the girl has no choice. She can protest all she wants, but it will not change a thing. I think he decides who goes where. Neiko, Egypt is very different from Hawote in many ways, including women having no rights in choosing their husband. If a god-king picks her, then do you think she stands a chance? I don't think so. You have so much to learn."

Neiko shrugged indifferently. "Yeah. She can ditch the sucker by skipping town! If you can't do it by any other means, then run away—it's not that hard. Besides, I don't think he would waste time looking for that one chick while there are plenty of others who would love to be picked. I'm not gonna be here long enough to care about all the laws and rules here...I'm just passin' though."

Francesco sniggered at her. "If you say so. But, you are wrong about a lot of things. That is true about many, but this particular one—if she ran away—he would tear the world apart trying to find her. I believe he would make sure that she can't leave. He is not a pushover by any means. I don't believe she would make it far because he would know how to cut her off. And, how could a girl outwit Ramesses the Great in his own domain and on the battlefield?"

Neiko stretched her arms. "Oh, it couldn't be that hard. He would be easy to dupe because he is so blinded by pride and probably lovesickness that he wouldn't know what hit him. He could be a challenge if he wanted to be. What makes you such an expert on him anyway? Are you now his personal shrink?"

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