Chapter 33

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The next morning, Neiko got up first and checked on Nefertari, who was sleeping peacefully. She slipped out the door, and someone grabbed her from behind. She jumped.

"Good morning. Sleep well? I was wondering where you were," said Ramesses, holding her close.

Neiko grimaced in disgust. "I slept fine," she snapped, trying to turn away.

"What are you doing in Nefertari's room?" Ramesses asked.

"That's none of your darn business," Neiko retorted.

"Everything you do is my business. And how has your morning been so far?" Ramesses asked with a grin.

"It was fine till you showed up," Neiko scowled, struggling to free herself.

Ramesses chuckled at her spunk. "Well, there will be some new rules now, and I will announce them to your four friends and to Nefertari in a short while. Come," he said, dragging her off.

* * *

A few hours later everyone was lined up in front of Ramesses before his throne awaiting the issue of his new rules. He swaggered back and forth looking at the six. "All right, these new laws will be concerning Neiko who is now my Great Wife. She will be crowned very soon. She is no longer of the Indians, and she is not your equal but your superior. You will no longer call her by her name; call her by the appropriate title: Great One. Never look her in the face if you ever talk to her. You will not be allowed to touch her in any way including friendly gestures. You will not look upon her at all, unless I give you permission, or if she is with me, and I say you can. She will not be in your company from this day forward, and that includes you, Nefertari, till I say so. Francesco, let these laws be written."

Everyone began to murmur in shock, and Neiko collapsed to her knees in shock and disbelief. Nefertari looked at Neiko, felt sorry for her, and bent down to touch her, but Imenhotep stopped her. Neiko grabbed the tail of Ramesses' kilt.

"No, please, Ramesses, don't do this to me, please. I'll do anything, just don't isolate me," Neiko wept, burying her face into his kilt and staining it with her tears. "I'll be your Great Wife—please don't cut me off from my friends—please," she sobbed.

"No, get used to it," Ramesses said mercilessly, enjoying his victory and seeing her begin to crumble at his feet. "I was going to do this a little later, but thanks to Nefertari and your friends, they forced my hand to do it sooner than I had planned."

Neiko then buried her face into the floor and wept sorely. "No!" she moaned into the floor and bawled. The fact that her home and her friends were pushed further away was almost too much to bear.

People in the court whispered and watched.

Her friends watched her, wanting to comfort her, but they couldn't and started to cry in silence.

Francesco smiled wickedly.

Ramesses picked her up off the floor and made her stand up. "Get up off the floor; you are making a mockery of yourself," he scolded.

Neiko was too sad to care, but she had to pull herself together nonetheless.

"Go, the rest of you. Neiko, remain beside me," Ramesses commanded.

Nefertari and the others walked into Sito's room to discuss the horrible outcome.

Nefertari felt very ashamed and bad that her anger could possibly be the cause of the sentence. "I didn't mean to do this, and all I wanted to do was help," Nefertari said, weeping and remembering how sad Neiko was.

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