Chapter 14

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After the party that night, Senu and the four male Indians sat down to counsel about the events of the evening in a secluded room while the servants cleaned the dining hall. The Indians told him the truth of who they really were and the importance of finding Francesco and not allowing Neiko to be taken by Pharaoh.

Senu's face was filled with confusion and disbelief. "Three thousand years in the future? That man sent you here to do away with you? I cannot comprehend this, but you haven't said anything that has been untrue. If you tell Ramesses the truth, he will laugh and say it is all nonsense."

"I don't care what he thinks. If we are able to return to Hawote, then we don't have to worry about it, but if not, we have to let him take Neiko," complained Mactalon.

"Did you see the way he looked at me?" Tito said pointing at himself with both fingers. "He knows Sito and can't stand him by the way things look—God knows what has been going on between Pharaoh and my brother the past eleven years. I get the impression he doesn't like our kind—which doesn't surprise me. I think we're going to have big time problems in dealing with him. He's gonna send us my brother but not Neiko," Tito said. "Senu, what does he mean when he wonders if Neiko is 'the one'?"

Senu shrugged. "I haven't the faintest idea. You will have to find this Francesco person and return to Hawote. You have exactly one week. What will you do if you are unable to accomplish all of this in time?" asked Senu.

"We have no choice but to let him come and get Neiko—for your and our own safety. If we pacify him, then we can find Francesco without any confrontations with Pharaoh. But, then we have to find a way to get Neiko away from him—and by the looks of things, it won't be easy," replied Tito as he ran his hands through his long dark hair.

"Yeah, you heard what he said to Senu, and we can't let anything happen to him because of all the kindness he has shown us and the good things he is doing for everyone—which he didn't have to do in the first place. All of these servants will then have a master that will mistreat them, and it will be our fault," whined Mactalon.

"We do have an inside friend. Queen Nefertari seems to like our kind for some reason. I'm sure she could help us out in some ways if we need it—maybe. She seemed to recognize me. I wonder if she has any idea about what is going on," mused Tito aloud.

Everyone shrugged or scratched their heads at the notion.

"That's good. She seems so good-natured, unlike her puffed up, ill-tempered husband. I'm also wondering if Sito may still be at the palace, but I wouldn't think he is doing very much," said Panthero. "But, we can't be sure Pharaoh didn't kick Sito out or if Pharaoh would ever send him to us."

"He's there alright. He said he would, and I think he'd deliver on his promise," corrected Tito.

Senu sighed helplessly since there wasn't too much more he could do without putting himself or the Indians in more danger. "I'm glad that you care much for me, and I will allow you to stay as long as you need to. If you need my help, don't hesitate to ask. I will try to find your brother, but make the palace the last place you search—I may even need to avoid the place myself for a time. The Pharaoh needs to cool off. We have no other court appearances this week; I can't use that as an excuse. Are there any more of you in Egypt?"

"Nope. Just us five Indians, and Francesco, the Crackedskull," replied Panthero.

"Good. Ramesses already feels threatened by you—why I don't know. If he found there were thousands of you, he would go berserk and would maybe drive you out or even try to exterminate you. I must be off to bed. Good night," said Senu, yawning and arising to leave. He left the hall.

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