Chapter 42

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The Indians traveled downriver for three days to the north and walked another two days in the desert to the east. Neiko had forgotten that the Nile flowed backwards from other rivers and the land of Egypt was backwards too with Upper Egypt to the south. They finally reached the fortress in its desolate desert wilderness in Sinai.

"Wow, cool place," said Neiko, remembering the stories they shared on the boat. "So this is where you guys have been hangin' out all this time."

"Well, Neiko, how are you going to explain this—I mean, to your parents. I doubt they will believe you spent almost a year in Egypt, and most of that time was with Ramesses," said Panthero. "I don't even know if the chieftains will believe us either."

Neiko laughed. "I won't have to explain anything to my parents. See, I can turn the clock to where I was gone for maybe thirty minutes. I remember the month, day, and year, and I know the spell, and it's different than the one Francesco uses. As for why I know, let's just say my time in Qari has a little pay off," she said with a wink. "As to the eleven years you guys spent, I can turn it back that far, but I don't know if that would be a good idea," Neiko added.

"Don't worry about us. We can use this as a battle wound we carry against the Crackedskulls, and we can put Francesco away for a long time for this," said Mactalon.

"Are you guys ready to rock?" asked Neiko.

"These are a gift from Nefie, and wait, where's the crystal? I put it right here!" Sito panicked as he gave the trinkets to Neiko and looked under the table and in the room.

Neiko looked at the necklace and put it on. "My ring! Oh, I'll miss her," she said as she took off the ring Ramesses gave her and put it in her pocket and put the turquoise ring in its rightful place. "I'll keep this other ring and these clothes as a dreadful reminder of the life I had with Ramesses," she said cringing. "Where did you have it last?"

"Right here! I remember exactly!" Sito said and then kicked a chair.

"The rats may have carried it off. We have a bad rat problem, you know—they're always totin' off shiny stuff," said Mactalon.

"Great," Neiko said with a sarcastic grunt.

Tito ran into the room with terror on his face. "Guys, we got problems," he said, putting on a face.

"Egyptians?" asked Panthero.

Tito nodded.

"How many?" asked Panthero, pressing him.

"All of 'em, I think—including angry Pharaoh," Tito replied.

"Great! We can't leave and fly the coop, because we can't find the crystal!" Neiko shrieked.

"You're kidding, right?" Tito asked, but everyone shook their heads. "Oh crap! We are going to die! Neiko is going back to Egypt with Ramesses the Grouch forever—permanently—for all eternity! We better find that right now before the grinch gets in here and kills the rest of us!"

"There's no time! We have to pull off the search for it and brace for a full-scale attack!" Sito warned. He knew Ramesses well.

"Is there any way to buy some time?" asked Neiko. "How well will this place hold up against an entire army?"

"Not long enough with Ramesses the Great in command! He'll find the weaknesses really fast! We need to go out and survey the situation, come on!" Sito said and everyone herded behind him and followed him.

Everyone ran to the rampart to see the position of the Egyptians. They could see them coming over the desert like a plundering swarm of hungry army ants. Sito looked through the telescope to see that they came by the thousands with Ramesses in the lead—completely at the forefront. Chariots, horsemen, and foot soldiers followed behind him. Sito looked at him standing in his chariot, carrying his javelin and armed to the teeth. He was in full war regalia, complete with swords, daggers, bow, arrows, club, and an angry, vengeful, cold expression. Even though he was yards away his blue crown of war and armor glinted in the sun. He was truly an imposing sight on the battlefield.

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